Daily Devotional for January 3, 2022
Under His Wings

Lucy glanced at her teenage sister with concern. “Sophie, how are you feeling?”
Sophie gave a small smile. “A little better than this morning.”
Lucy knew Sophie was trying to be brave, but these last two weeks had been difficult on her. Sophie had a virus several months prior, and while it had not been bad at the time, her taste when she ate food gradually changed. Now, every food she ate tasted so bad that she gagged when she tried to eat.
Mom slowed the car to make a turn. “Girls, since we have about a half hour until we get to the doctor, how about you read our devotion for the day?”
“I’ll do it.” Lucy pulled it up on Mom’s phone. “This is from Psalm 91. ‘He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.’” Lucy looked up. “What’s a rampart?”
“It’s a defensive wall—like the walls around a castle,” Mom answered.
“So, God not only shields us, but He surrounds us,” Lucy declared. Mom nodded.
Lucy continued to read about how baby birds find refuge under their parents’ protective wings. “I love that picture,” Mom mused. “I think about God covering us with His protection and love, just as we saw that mother robin covering her babies with her wings last week. Even when bad things happen, we can trust Jesus to be with us because He has saved us and given us eternal life with Him.”
Suddenly, a giant bird swooped directly toward the front of the car. Mom gasped, and Sophie’s eyes widened. “Mom, it’s a bald eagle!” The three watched in amazement as the eagle flew directly over the car, then made its landing in a tree right beside them.
“I’m pulling the car over so we can get a better look!” Mom squealed excitedly.
The girls stood on the side of the empty back road, gazing up at the majestic eagle in the tree. It tipped its head and looked down at them with sharp eyes before raising massive wings and lifting off in flight once more.
Sophie turned to Mom and Lucy. “I think God sent that eagle as a reminder to us. No matter what we go through, we can find refuge under His wings.”
– Savannah Coleman
How about you?
Have you or someone you love ever gone through a difficult time? Perhaps it was something physical, like an illness or an injury. Maybe you have lost someone you love, had to move to a new place, or you are struggling emotionally. No matter what you are going through, you are not alone. God is our shelter, fortress, and shield. His presence surrounds us. Take refuge in Him.
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