Daily Devotional for September 5, 2018
Under Construction

“Why are we stopping?” Trent asked as they came to a stop behind a line of cars.
Ashlynn poked her head out the window. “It’s construction. I can see a bulldozer and a woman with a sign.”
“Oh no!” said Trent. “We’ll be late! It’s bad enough being new at school, but being late and having everyone stare at me will be worse!”
“I’m afraid I’ll be late for my job interview too,” Mom said, getting out her phone, “but there’s nothing we can do about it. I’ll give them a call so they know.”
“I wish Dad was still alive,” Ashlynn said once Mom had finished her call. “Then we’d still be living in our old house and going to our old school with all our old friends. And you wouldn’t have to look for work.”
“I wish that too,” said Mom, “but there’s a reason God’s allowing us to go through these difficult changes, and we need to trust Him.”
Just then the line of cars began moving, and they followed the car in front of them onto a bumpy gravel path. They passed men working with loud jackhammers and a huge machine digging up large chunks of asphalt.
“Why do they have to wreck a perfectly good road?” Ashlynn asked.
“It reminds me of our family,” Trent said glumly. “Everything’s broken and torn up.”
“It does feel like that,” said Mom, “but think about this—the people in charge at city hall have plans for this road. They’re allowing it to be broken up and worked on because they know that after the construction is finished, it will be better. And Jesus has plans for our lives. He’s leading us through a very difficult time, but it’s often during times of sorrow and hardship that we get to know Him better and become more like Him.”
“But I still don’t see why He’d take Dad from us,” Ashlynn said sadly.
“I don’t either,” said Mom, “but I do know that He promises to always be with us, and as we trust Him and learn to rely on Him more and more, He will help us rebuild our lives.” She smiled in the rearview mirror. “Will you trust Him with me?”
Ashlynn and Trent looked back at her and nodded. – Violet E. Nesdoly
How about you?
Is it hard to believe anything good can come from the disappointment or pain you’re going through? Road construction makes a better road. Remodeling results in a better building. And trusting Jesus in difficult times leads to a stronger faith. Remember that He’s always with you and will use hard times in your life to make you stronger, wiser, more patient, and more compassionate—more like Him.
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