Daily Devotional for September 7, 2021
“I have a little story to start our class today,” Mr. Larson announced to his Sunday
school class. “It has a lesson that goes along with today’s Bible verse.”
“Oh no!” said Anthony. “I forgot my Bible again!”
“Well, you can scoot your chair over and look on with Terrance,” Mr. Larson said.
“Okay,” said Anthony, moving his chair. “But why do you always have us look up stuff in our Bibles, Mr. Larson? Why don’t you just
tell us what it says?”
“The verses we’ll be reading should help you understand that, and I think my story about a knight will help too,” said Mr. Larson. The kids looked up eagerly as he began. “Sir Frederick was a very proud knight. He was always willing to go into battle to protect his country. But when he came face-to-face with his enemy on the battlefield one day, Sir Frederick discovered he had a serious problem. ‘I forgot my sword!’ he cried out. ‘I have nothing to fight with!’ And it wasn’t long before the enemy captured Sir Frederick.”
The kids laughed. It seemed funny for a knight to forget his sword!
“Now, let’s look at our Bibles,” said Mr. Larson. “Terrance, would you read Ephesians 6:17, please?”
“Sure,” said Terrance. “Let’s see…here it is. It says, ‘Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.’”
“Like Sir Frederick, Christians are in a battle,” said Mr. Larson. “We’re in a battle against Satan, and we need our sword—the Bible. It helps us fight Satan’s attacks by reminding us we’ve been saved by Jesus and belong to Him. When Satan tries to tempt us or make us think God doesn’t love us, we can wield the truth of God’s Word and remember that Jesus defeated sin and Satan when He died on the cross to save us. That’s why I ask you to read from your Bibles. Just carrying them along to church isn’t what helps you. You need to learn what it says by listening in church and reading God’s Word for yourself.” Mr. Larson held up his Bible. “Without this, you’re like unarmed soldiers.”
“Well, I’m bringing my Bible—my sword—next week,” Anthony declared.
“Good,” said Mr. Larson. “Then you’ll be ready for battle!” -Linda M. Weddle
How about you?
Are you wielding your sword—the Bible? Do you listen to your pastors and teachers when they talk about what it says? Do you read it for yourself? It’s important to know what God says in His Word. It’s part of the armor you need to fight Satan, who wants you to believe his lies instead of God’s truth—that Jesus has won the war against sin and death. Bring your sword into battle!
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