Daily Devotional for November 7, 2017
Two New Hearts

Aunt Dee must be here! Griffin thought when he saw a blue mini van
parked in their driveway. Maybe she brought Grandma home from the hospital—the doctor said she might come home today. Grandma had been very sick, but she’d had an amazing operation. She had been given a heart transplant—her diseased heart was removed and a different one was put inside her body. Now she was doing much better.
Griffin rushed into the house. “Grandma!” he called when he saw her sitting in the living room. She looked pleased to see him. Hugging her gently, Griffin asked, “Do you feel better, Grandma?”
“Yes, I do, Griffin. I was just thanking the Lord for both of my new hearts.” Grandma’s eyes sparkled as they often did when she was happy.
“But Grandma,” said Griffin, “you just got one new heart.”
“I got one new heart in the hospital,” said Grandma, “but I got my first new heart when I was about your age.”
“You did? I didn’t know that! Was your heart bad then too?”
Grandma smiled. “We often use the word heart to describe our innermost being,” she explained. “And yes, my heart—that innermost part of me—was full of sin. When I asked Jesus to come into my life and take away my sin, it was as if He gave me a new heart—He changed my thoughts, feelings, and desires. After that, I wanted to do things that would make Jesus happy.”
Grandma paused, letting Griffin think about what she had just said. Then she patted his hand. “I’m thankful for the heart the doctors gave me, but I’m even more thankful to Jesus for saving me from my sins and giving me a new spiritual heart.”
Griffin nodded. “I have a new spiritual heart too, don’t I?”
“You do if you trust Jesus as your Savior,” Grandma told him. “Do you?”
Griffin nodded again. “Yes, I do, Grandma,” he said with a grin. “We both have new hearts.” – Esther M. Bailey
How about you?
Do you have a new heart? Getting a new heart means that God will change your inner being when you trust Jesus as your Savior. You’ll start wanting to do what God wants more and more because the Holy Spirit will begin changing your desires. Have you accepted Jesus as your Savior? Don’t wait. Trust in Him right now! (See “The ABCs of Salvation” on the right column of this page..)
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