Daily Devotional for October 5, 2018
Two Birthdays

Who’s that guy leading the singing?” whispered Joash. “That’s Mr. Carson,” Kolton whispered back. “He’s in charge of our youth group.” Joash was visiting Kolton’s church for the first time, and everything was new to him.
“Okay, kids, it’s the first Sunday of the month, so you know what that means—it’s birthday week!” Mr. Carson said. “If you have a birthday this month, come on up here.”
“Hey, that’s you, Joash!” said Kolton. “Your birthday was on Thursday, so go to the front. You’ll get a gift.”
At first, Joash shook his head, but when he saw that several other kids were going, he slipped out of his seat and headed up the aisle. Mr. Carson handed each of the birthday kids a goodie bag. Then everyone sang “Happy Birthday.”
“Happy birthday, kids,” Mr. Carson said when the song ended. “And remember…” He cupped his hand around his ear, and the whole group said together, “One birthday won’t do—you need to have two!”
After church, Joash had a question. “What was that thing everyone said about only having two birthdays?” he asked Kolton. “I just had my tenth!”
“Not really, Joash,” Kolton replied. “You’ve only had one birthday—the day you were born. The rest of the time you’re just celebrating that day.”
“I guess that makes sense. But then why would I need a second birthday?” Joash asked.
“When you were born on earth, you became your parents’ child,” explained Kolton. “But we all do bad things—we sin, and no sin is allowed in heaven, where God is. The Bible says the only way we can be forgiven and have eternal life with God is to be born again—born into God’s family. That happens when we trust Jesus to save us from our sin. Then we have two birthdays.” Kolton looked at his friend. “Get it?”
“I’m not sure,” Joash replied. “I mean, I know I’m not always good, but I never thought about being born all over again. And I don’t really know a whole lot about Jesus. Can you tell me about Him and explain it all again?”
“Sure!” Kolton was delighted. “If you still don’t get it, my dad can help explain too.”
“Okay.” Joash looked at Kolton. “Well, get started!” – Charles Vander Meer
How about you?
How many birthdays do you have? One—or two? Your first birthday—the day you were born on this earth—made you a part of your parents’ family. God wants you to be a part of His family too. When you trust Jesus as your Savior, you’re born again as a child of God. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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