Daily Devotional for April 23, 2023
Turtle Life

“I’m home,” Miguel said, coming through the door carrying a tote bag.
“How was church today?” Grandma asked.
“It was good. I liked visiting Oscar’s church, but I’ll be glad when you’re well enough to take me to our church again, Grandma.”
“Me too. I’ll be better soon and we’ll go together again. I’ll bet you’re hungry.”
“Oh, I almost forgot.” Miguel opened the tote bag. “Oscar’s mom sent us some soup and sandwiches and cookies so you wouldn’t have to make lunch.” Carefully he set up the lunch for the two of them, along with some lemonade.
“Thank you, Miguel,” Grandma said. “That was thoughtful of Oscar’s mom.” As they ate, she asked, “What did the pastor talk about today?”
Miguel bit into his sandwich. “Mostly turtles.”
Grandma was puzzled. “Turtles? Was it the story of Noah’s ark?”
“No,” said Miguel. “It was about Jesus and turtles and forgiveness and stuff.” Then he laughed. “The pastor had a stuffy nose from allergies. He talked about his mother, but every time he said ‘Mama’ it sounded like this.” Miguel pinched his nose and said, “Bob-uh.”
Grandma smiled. “Tell me what the pastor said about turtles.”
“That was confusing. He said we could all have a turtle life. I thought he’d show us turtle pictures on the overhead screen, but he didn’t. I wanted to ask him about it later, but Oscar’s mom was ready to leave.”
“Are you sure he said you could have a turtle life, Miguel? That doesn’t make sense.”
“He said if I confess my sins and trust Jesus to save me, He’d forgive my sins and give me a turtle life. But I trusted in Jesus a year ago, and I haven’t seen any turtles yet.”
Grandma chuckled quietly when she realized what had happened. “Miguel, do you know what the word eternal means?”
“It means forever, right?”
“Yes. Now pinch your nose like you did before and say ‘eternal.’”
Miguel held his nose. “Eh-ter-dull.”
Grandma nodded. “I think the pastor with his stuffy nose said ‘eternal life,’ and it sounded like ‘a turtle life.’”
When Miguel heard his mistake, he laughed so hard he rolled on the floor. “I still love turtles, but living with Jesus forever in heaven is better!”
-Teresa Ambord
How about you?
Have you been given eternal life with Jesus? The Bible says that our sins—the wrong things we do—lead to death because God must punish sin. But Jesus died on the cross to take that punishment for us and then rose again. Trust in Him, and He will forgive your sins and give you eternal life with Him. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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