Daily Devotional for June 12, 2022
Treasures in Heaven

“Look at these pretty stones!” called Myah. She and her parents were visiting a park, and she had run ahead down the path. After Mom and Dad admired the rocks Myah had picked up, she slipped them into her pocket.
“Hold on,” Mom said. “I’m afraid you can’t keep those.”
Myah frowned. “Why not?”
“We’re in a national park, and there are signs warning people that it’s illegal to take anything from this property,” Dad explained. “You can take pictures of the rocks, but you have to leave them here.”
“But I want to make drawings of them for my art class project,” said Myah. “Can’t I take a few home? They’re just rocks!”
Mom shook her head. “Sorry, honey, but that’s the way it has to be.”
With a sigh, Myah took the rocks from her pocket and tossed them down.
For family devotions that evening, Dad turned to the book of Matthew. “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth,” he read. “But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven.” Dad smiled at Myah. “These verses make me think of the rocks you collected this morning. Would you have picked them up if you had read the signs?”
“Of course not,” Myah answered. “If I’d known I couldn’t keep them, I wouldn’t have wasted my time collecting them.”
“I’m afraid many of us do the same thing you did,” Dad said. “We collect money and possessions—all kinds of things—on earth, and we ignore God.”
“What do you mean?” asked Myah.
“The Bible teaches that Jesus will come back one day and make everything new. It tells us to prepare and be ready and even tells us some signs to look for,” explained Dad. “Yet we show a love for this world by spending a lot of time and energy collecting things.”
“Like rocks,” said Myah.
Dad nodded. “When Jesus returns, the things we’ve collected will be of no use to us. Knowing Jesus and loving Him is what really matters. That’s what the Bible is talking about when it tells us to store up treasure in heaven. Earthly things won’t last, but life with Jesus lasts forever! Our focus should be on the treasure we have in Him.”
-Heather Tekavec
How about you?
Do you dream about things you want? A new bike? Brand-name shoes or clothes? Sports equipment? Do you spend lots of time collecting things? It’s okay to enjoy things, but don’t become attached to things on earth. Money, possessions, popularity, success—none of those things will matter when Jesus returns and makes all things new. Store up treasure that lasts by focusing your heart on Him and the love He has for you.
Today's Verse
We brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. (NIV) 1 Timothy 6:7 NKJV
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