Daily Devotional for March 29, 2020
Treasures in Heaven

Trevor and Tracie had coins lined up all over the living room floor when Mom walked out of the kitchen with her coffee. “Wow, that’s a lot of coins you two have accumulated!” Mom remarked as she sat down at the table.
“I almost have all the state coins!” Trevor said with a grin.
“Do you have Michigan yet?” Tracie asked, holding up a quarter.
“Trade me!” Trevor begged. “I need that one!”
“Kids, seeing your coin collection reminds me that today is the last day to bring in money for the kids’ food program at church,” Mom said. “Did you both remember to set aside any money for the kids in our community who are in need?”
“Mom, I just don’t have any to spare!” Trevor moaned.
“Yeah, and besides, we’re going there later this week to help pack lunches for the kids, and you already bought some food to bring with us,” Tracie added.
Mom took a sip of her coffee. “Let me tell you something I learned when I was your age. God is honored when we give Him our time, talent, and treasure. That should be easy to remember since your names both start with T.”
“We’re serving with our time by going to help pack the kids’ lunches, and we’re super-fast at it, so I guess that’s talent!” Tracie said with a giggle.
Trevor stared at his line of coins. “I guess I’ve been forgetting to give to God out of my treasure.”
“Sometimes I forget too,” Mom responded. “Then I remember a verse in Matthew that says, ‘Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven…for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.’ That verse reminds me that, because Jesus has saved me and given me eternal life, I’m rich! Instead of trying to hold on to earthly treasures, I need to focus on my heavenly treasure by remembering His love and sharing it with others. That’s the kind of treasure that really counts.”
Trevor jumped up. “Well, I’m going to keep my coin collection, but I do have some dollar bills that would help these kids out.”
“Me too!” Tracie said. “We may have a treasury of coins here on earth, but we have an even better treasure in heaven with Jesus!” Savannah Coleman
How about you?
Are you focused on the treasure Jesus died and rose again to give you? Or are you more focused on the treasures you have—or don’t have—here on earth? It can be hard to focus on eternal things when we’re surrounded by the things of this world, but eternal treasure is the only treasure that lasts. Store your treasure in heaven by turning your focus to Him and showing others His love.
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