Daily Devotional for June 6, 2018
Training Wheels

Owen’s little brother Levi raced up and down the driveway on his bicycle, sometimes getting in the way as Owen practiced skateboarding.
“Hey, Levi,” said Noelle, a neighbor who was taking care of the boys while their mother went to the grocery store. “Why don’t you ride on the sidewalk so Owen won’t trip over you?”
Levi stopped and looked at his brother. “Okay,” he said. He turned quickly and rode down the sidewalk.
“I can’t believe it!” Owen said, watching his brother speed away. “He’s had the training wheels off his bike just one day, but he’s riding that two-wheeler like he’s been doing it his whole life. I think it took me a lot longer to learn to ride.”
“Didn’t you use training wheels?” Noelle asked.
Owen shook his head. “No. I thought they were for babies. Mom wanted Dad to put them on my bike, but when I made a big fuss, he said it might be good for me to learn the hard way. I fell a lot.”
Noelle laughed. “Well, Levi learned to balance and pedal and brake with training wheels, so riding is coming naturally. He’s just doing the same thing he’s always done.” Moving to the porch, Noelle sat on the top step and grinned at Owen. “I hope you appreciate the training wheels you have right now.”
Owen frowned. “I don’t have training wheels,” he said.
“Sure you do—well, sort of, anyway,” said Noelle. “They’re the adults—especially your parents—who are teaching you about Jesus and helping you learn to live the way He wants you to. Your mom and dad take you to church and read the Bible and pray with you, don’t they?”
“You know they do,” said Owen. “You go to my church.”
“Well, your parents, your pastor, and your teachers are like training wheels,” said Noelle. “When you’re older, those training wheels will come off, and you’ll have to make your own decisions about how you’re going to live. That can be hard, but what you’re learning now will make good decisions come more naturally.”
Owen smiled as Levi pedaled his bike back toward the house. “Just like training wheels worked for Levi.” – Kim Sheard
How about you?
Do you appreciate your training wheels—your parents or other adults who teach you about Jesus and guide you in the kind of life He wants for you? Accepting their help in making good decisions now will also help you make good decisions when you’re grown up. Thank Jesus for the training wheels He’s put in your life and allow them to help you learn to live the way He wants you to.
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