Daily Devotional for October 22, 2019
Too Late

“My homework is done. Can I watch TV now?” asked Lucas as he joined his parents in the living room. “What are you watching?”
“A documentary about the Titanic,” Mom replied.
“Boooring. There’s gotta be something better to watch than a documentary!” Lucas protested.
“I think you’ll find this one interesting,” said Dad. “Do you know what the Titanic is?”
“Sure—it’s a big ship. They thought it was unsinkable, but it sank,” Lucas replied. “What made them think it couldn’t sink anyway?”
“Let’s watch the show and find out,” said Mom.
“Oh, all right,” Lucas grumbled as he sprawled out on the floor. “But I know it’ll be boring.” Soon, however, he was caught up in the story of the Titanic.
When the show was over, Lucas stood up and stretched. “They didn’t even have enough lifeboats!” he exclaimed. “Wouldn’t you think they’d at least have put more of those on board? I mean, when you’re out at sea and your ship is sinking, it’s too late to get them then!”
Dad nodded. “It’s so easy for us to see how foolish they were, but it occurs to me that we can be just as foolish. We might think we’re ‘unsinkable’ too.”
“You mean some people think their boats won’t sink?” asked Lucas in disbelief.
“I’m not talking about boats. I’m thinking of people who figure there won’t be any consequences for the wrong, sinful things they do,” said Dad. “Perhaps they’ve heard that Jesus died to save them from sin, but they don’t think they need to be saved. So they go about their lives thinking everything is fine, ignoring the fact that they’re on a sinking ship. Their lives could end at any moment, and only Jesus can save them before it’s too late.”
Lucas was quiet as he thought about his father’s words. “I—I think I’m one of those people,” he finally said. “I know about Jesus, but I’ve never trusted Him to save me. I don’t want to be surprised like the people on the Titanic. I want Jesus to save me now!”
His parents smiled. “Then let’s pray with you,” said Mom, “and you can put your trust in Him.” Bethany R. Elms
How about you?
Do you know you’re a sinner who needs to be saved? Have you put your trust in Jesus? It’s something you need to think about now, because you never know how much time you have left before your life on earth ends. Don’t wait to trust Him as your Savior. Do it today! (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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