Daily Devotional for June 4, 2020
Together Too Much

Tessa shook her head when Taylor suggested they spend time together after school. “Not today,” said Tessa. “I have other things to do.”
“Aw, come on,” said Taylor. “Whatever it is, I could help you.”
“Not really,” Tessa replied. “I have to practice the piano.”
“I could just come in and listen,” offered Taylor.
“Look, Taylor,” said Tessa, “we were together last night after school—and
Monday night too. And we spent a lot of time together last weekend. I like doing stuff with you, but I have my own things to do today.”
“Okay, fine,” Taylor said glumly.
When Taylor got home, she found her mother watering the garden. “I wanted to do something with Tessa again today, but she didn’t want to. She was like that one day last week too. I hope she’s not mad.”
“Why would she be mad?” asked Mom. “It’s not like she never spends time with you. She’s been here a lot lately—and you’ve been at her house too.”
“I know.” Taylor sighed. “It’s just that she sometimes acts like she’s tired of being with me.”
“Well, it is possible to want to spend so much time with someone that they get tired of it,” said Mom. “A verse in the Bible talks about that.”
“It does? What verse?” asked Taylor in surprise.
“Proverbs 25:17,” said Mom, taking out her phone and showing Taylor the verse. “This tells us it’s possible to spend too much time with one person and wear out our welcome.”
“Oh.” Taylor looked at her feet. “I guess that’s what I’ve been doing to Tessa.”
Mom squeezed Taylor’s shoulder. “The Bible tells us how to love others, and this verse reminds us the best way to do that is to give our friends space when they need it. But you know who never needs any space from us?”
“Umm…” said Taylor. “God?”
“Right!” said Mom. “Jesus is always with us, and we can talk to Him anytime. He always wants to spend time with us.”
“Okay, I get it,” said Taylor. “I’ll give Tessa some space.” She grinned at her mom. “It will give me a chance to get out my Bible and spend some time with Jesus.” LINDA M. WEDDLE
How about you?
Do you spend lots of time with only one friend? It’s fine to have a best friend you see often, but don’t spend so much time with them that you wear out your welcome. Be a good friend by giving them time to spend on their own or with other people. You might enjoy having some time to yourself too. And remember you have a Friend who is always there to spend time with you—Jesus!
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