Daily Devotional for February 16, 2020
Together Is Better

“Hey, Dad, did you know emperor penguins can survive in temperatures of minus 76 degrees with the wind chill?” Wynter asked. She had been reading a nature magazine that had just come in the mail. “I can barely survive half an hour outside when it’s in the single digits! I wonder how they do it?” Wynter’s family lived in a little town up north that had its fair amount of cold, snowy weather. She knew all too well what it was like
to feel so cold her toes hurt.
Dad looked up from his laptop. “Why don’t you keep reading. I bet the article explains how they adapt to the intensely cold climate of Antarctica.”
Wynter kept reading and soon found the answer. “It says here the penguins all huddle together in a big circle. The penguins on the inside are protected from the wind and get warm from the other penguins’ body heat. They take turns moving to the inside of the circle to get warm.”
“A single penguin probably wouldn’t survive outside the group,” Dad said. “You know, God made us a little like penguins.”
Wynter started strutting around the room. “Do I look like a penguin or something?”
Dad laughed. “Well, maybe a little. But what I meant is that we need each other for support and encouragement. When Mom was sick last year, I don’t know what we would have done without our friends and neighbors bringing us meals and helping with transportation. They surrounded us with their love so we could get through a very hard time in our family.”
Wynter nodded. “Mrs. Carney even cleaned our house for a couple of months until Mom got better.”
“Right!” Dad said. “God created us to have community with others, and when our Christian friends and neighbors helped us during that hard time, they showed us the love and encouragement of Jesus and reminded us He was with us. Now we can look for ways to help other people in need.”
“I’ve helped Mom make cheer baskets for people in the hospital,” said Wynter. “She said now that she’s better, she wants to share God’s love and encouragement with the patients there. “
Dad nodded. “We need each other’s support, just like the penguins!” Kendra Angle
How about you?
Have you ever been lonely or hurting and someone gave you a kind word or a gentle hug? Didn’t you feel better knowing you had a friend who cared? Jesus wants us to support and encourage one another, especially in the hard times. We can remind each other of His love and that He’s always with us. Look for ways you can be an encouragement to someone who needs a friend!
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