Daily Devotional for March 12, 2023
To Laugh or Not to Laugh

After the basketball game, Gracie’s mom picked her up. “Can we drop Liv off at her house?” asked Gracie.
“Sure,” said Mom, and the girls climbed into the back seat.
“That girl with the purple pants was a mess, wasn’t she, Gracie?” Liv giggled. “She couldn’t make a basket if you set it three inches in front of her nose!”
Gracie frowned. “You’ve got to give her credit for trying. She was doing her best! Besides, I felt bad for her.” Liv shrugged and changed the subject.
At home, Gracie set the table while her mom fixed dinner. “I’m proud of you,” Mom said as she took out a recipe book. She moved things around on the counter and appeared to be looking for something. “I’m glad you didn’t make fun of the girl on the other team today.”
“Well, it’s not like I’m going into the basketball hall of fame either,” Gracie said sheepishly.
Mom smiled at her. “Maybe that helped you to be kind. I know it’s tempting to poke fun at people, but we have to remember that God created and loves every one of us, and He wants us to respect one another. By not making fun of that girl, you showed the kind of love and compassion today that Jesus shows us.” Mom opened a drawer and sorted through it.
“Are you looking for something?” Gracie asked.
Mom nodded. “My glasses. I can’t imagine where I left them.”
Gracie looked at her mother and burst out laughing. “Look in the mirror,” she said, pointing. “You pushed them up on top of your head!” Suddenly, she stopped laughing. “Oh! I guess I shouldn’t laugh! I didn’t mean to make fun of you.”
Mom grinned. “Yes, you should laugh!” she said, removing her glasses from her head. “It’s okay to laugh at funny things that happen. Just make sure you’re laughing at what a person does and not at the person, and only if it’s something both of you find funny—don’t laugh if it would hurt someone’s feelings. In this case, you’re not hurting my feelings at all.”
Gracie relaxed. “You did look funny,” she said. Laughter spilled out again—and Mom’s laugh was even louder than Gracie’s.
-Karen E. Cogan
How about you?
Do you find it hard to know when it’s okay to laugh at something? If you’re tempted to laugh at someone, imagine how it would feel to have others laughing at you for that same reason. If you wouldn’t mind, it’s probably okay. But if it would hurt you, or if the person seems to be offended at others laughing, stop. By being sensitive to people’s feelings, you’re showing them the love and compassion of Jesus.
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