Daily Devotional for May 18, 2017

Natalie glanced at her phone. Twenty minutes. Twenty minutes to change and eat something before she had to leave for dance. Gotta move. She grabbed some mac and cheese and popped it into the microwave. As she bounded up the stairs, she passed her little brother, Kevin, sitting in time-out. Minutes later, the microwave dinged. Natalie tugged her leotard into place and pushed one more bobby pin into her bun. She rushed downstairs and retrieved her food. Stirring her mac and cheese, she glanced at Kevin sitting on the bottom step with his elbows on his knees, fists digging into his chubby cheeks.
“What did you do this time, sport?” Natalie plopped beside her brother.
“Yelled at Mommy. I hate time-out.”
Natalie patted his back. “Mom doesn’t stick you here just because you’re in trouble. It’s to help you settle down and get under control. Are you still mad?”
Kevin sighed. “No.” He paused. “Nat? Does sitting help you too?”
Natalie paused mid-chew. Sitting still didn’t happen much. Rushing to school and dance left her feeling anything but in control. “I’m too big for time-outs now,” she said.
“You’re never home.” Kevin’s eyes were sad. “I miss you.”
Natalie licked the cheese from her spoon. She loved dance company, though it meant she practically lived at the studio. What happened to family time? What happened to time with God?
She looked at the shelf in the kitchen where she put her Bible. Maybe I need a time-out too.
Natalie glanced at her phone. Five minutes. She squeezed Kevin, then walked over and picked up her Bible. A highlighted verse caught her attention: “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Rest. Sounds great, God. Natalie remembered learning that this verse meant those who trusted in Jesus didn’t have to strive to earn God’s favor, because Jesus earned it for them. I need to stop to remember that more often. Remember He’s in control. She took a deep breath and continued to read.
Soon, Mom was calling. Time for dance. Natalie checked her phone. Her five minutes were gone. Somehow God had stretched them, and she sensed His peace. She grinned and grabbed her brother’s hand. “Race you to the car!” – Gayle Veitenheimer
How about you?
Is your life overscheduled and busy? You need a spiritual time-out. Not because you’re in trouble, but to build your relationship with God and get strength and wisdom to navigate the road ahead. Make sure you leave time in your busy schedule to pray, read your Bible, and worship with other Christians. Stop the frenzy for a moment and take a time-out with Jesus.
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