Daily Devotional for March 9, 2021
Time Is Running Out

“I only have three hours left before bedtime,” Chris said, “and I haven’t started my history paper that’s due tomorrow.”
Jennifer pointed at the wall clock. “You wasted an hour playing video games. You only have two hours.”
Dad looked at the clock and frowned. “That time is wrong. The battery must have died—you only have one hour.”
Chris buried his head in his hands. “I need a history story—and time is running out.”
Dad took out his phone. “I’ve got one. June 7, 1692, at 11:43 AM. The pirate town of Port Royal, Jamaica, was hit by a massive earthquake—followed by a tidal wave. Thousands of buildings immediately sank about forty feet into the Caribbean Sea.”
Jennifer sat down at the table. “How do they know the exact time it happened?”
“In 1969, scuba divers discovered the town,” Dad said. “They found a pocket watch with its hands stopped at 11:43. History records that the disaster happened in the morning. Now we know the exact time.”
“Time ran out for them,” Chris said.
Jennifer shook her head. “They didn’t have a chance to escape.”
“No, they didn’t.” Dad put down his phone. “It happened too quickly.”
“So, those people got up that morning not knowing they’d meet their Maker soon,” Chris said.
“Which is why we always want to be ready,” Dad said. “Nobody knows how long they’ll live—and nobody knows when Jesus will return to judge the world for its sin. On that day, those who have not put their trust in Jesus will run out of time—they won’t have another chance to have their sins forgiven. That’s why we need to trust in Jesus now. We never know when our time might be up, so we don’t want to procrastinate, which means delaying doing something we know we should do.”
“I hope the people in Port Royal were ready,” Chris said. “I’m glad I didn’t procrastinate on my decision to trust Jesus.”
“Me too, son.” Dad pointed at Chris’ notebook. “But I think you’ve been procrastinating on something else.”
Chris grinned. “I guess I’d better get this paper written, huh?”
Dad nodded and checked his watch. “I think you’ve got just enough time.” • Matt Shoemaker
How about you?
Are you ready to meet Jesus? God has appointed a time when we all will meet Him—and we don’t know the year, day, or hour. The most important thing in life is to know where you stand with God. He loves you and wants a relationship with you. Don’t delay. Trust in Him today. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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