Daily Devotional for March 13, 2022
Time for Toast

“Levi, you forgot to pray for Carter today,” said Anna after her older brother finished his prayer at the breakfast table.
“You’re not supposed to criticize other people’s prayers,” said Levi. “And anyway, I gave up praying for Carter. It wasn’t working. He’s not interested in coming to church or talking about Jesus.”
As Mom put bread into the toaster, Anna frowned at her brother. “But you only started praying for him two weeks ago!”
“Who’s counting? Besides, God could save him in two seconds if He wanted to,” Levi answered defensively. “Remember the story of Saul? Jesus came to him in a blinding light, and he believed right away!”
Mom gave Levi a thoughtful look. Then she leaned over and popped up the bread in the toaster.
“Are you sure the toast is done already?” Levi asked. “That didn’t take long.”
Mom took a slice from the toaster and held it out. “It doesn’t look like the toaster is working, does it? This is as white as when I put it in.”
“You just took it out too soon,” said Levi. “I knew it needed more time!”
Anna smiled knowingly. “So does prayer,” she told him. “Right, Mom?”
“Sometimes,” Mom replied. “But you’re right about one thing, Levi. God can save Carter in a second—and He will, as soon as Carter trusts Jesus as his Savior.” Mom held up the limp piece of bread. “If this slice were very thin, it would toast quickly. If it were frozen, it would take longer. If it doesn’t get toasted enough the first time we put it down, we have to put it down again.” She put the bread back into the toaster. “That’s an illustration of how we need to pray for people.”
“Because some people don’t respond as quickly as others?” asked Levi.
“That’s right,” said Mom. “Our job is to pray again and again if we don’t see results right away.” As she spoke, the toast popped up.
Anna reached for it. “It’s done now.” She grinned at her brother. “See? It pays to be patient—when you’re toasting and when you’re praying.”
Soon they were all eating warm, brown toast—and Levi decided he would keep praying for Carter.
-Heather M. Tekavec
How about you?
Have you prayed for somebody who doesn’t know Jesus? Does it seem like nothing is happening? Keep praying anyway. People aren’t all alike, and God works in each person’s life differently. Sometimes you may see answers to prayer quickly. Sometimes it may be a long time—even years—before you see any results. So keep on praying, knowing Jesus loves that person and hears your prayers.
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