Daily Devotional for September 9, 2018
Thrown by Waves

Mallory sat on the beach watching the waves crash into the shore. It was a windy day, and the waves were huge. Mallory had a lot on her mind, and watching the water calmed her.
Mom came and sat next to her. After a while of sitting in silence, Mom finally asked, “How are you doing?”
“I’m just so scared of making the wrong decision,” Mallory said as she fought back tears. Mallory and her mom had just come from the doctor, who had told them Mallory’s test showed she had cancer and had given them different options for treating it.
Mom put her arm around Mallory. “Well, this is a huge decision, but we need to pray that God will give us wisdom to make the right choice.”
“But Mom, all the treatment options could make me even sicker. How can we be sure God will help us make the right decision?”
The two sat in silence for a little while, watching the water. They watched as a big stick was thrown from one wave to another. Then a big wave heaved the piece of wood onto the shore, and it finally became still.
“Mallory, we are definitely going through a struggle right now,” Mom said. “We can either let our emotions get the best of us and throw us around like the waves did that stick, or we can trust God to see us through this. This is not going to be easy, but we have to remember that Jesus will be with us as we make these tough decisions. That doesn’t mean everything will go the way we want it to, but we need to remember He’s in control and will work everything out for good. He saved us, and He’ll always be with us, no matter what happens. It may be scary, but we need to trust Him to guide us and do what’s best.”
Mallory watched the water for a long time, thinking about what her mom had said. She then said a silent prayer asking God to give her wisdom to make the choices she needed to. – Melissa Yeagle
How about you?
Are you going through a hard time right now? Do you have some tough decisions to make? Perhaps you’re dealing with something difficult in your family, at school, or with your health. No matter what it is, remember that Jesus saved you and will work everything out for good, even if things don’t go the way you had hoped. Trust Him to be with you and give you wisdom in whatever you’re facing.
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