Daily Devotional for August 31, 2020
Through it All

Stunned, Ayden stared at his dad. He had just learned that his father had a very serious disease, and the doctors could not promise that surgery would help. “You’re not going to die, are you?” whispered Ayden.
Ayden’s father didn’t answer immediately. “That’s something only God knows for sure,” he managed at last. “We need to trust Him, knowing His will is best even if it doesn’t seem best to us at the time.”
“But, Dad, Mom and I need you, and…” Ayden’s voice caught in his throat.
Dad reached out and gave Ayden a hug. “I pray God will let me stay with you for a long time, but your mother and I have come to the place where we’re willing to submit to God’s will, whatever it is. We’re hoping and praying you can come to that place too.”
“I don’t know if I can,” Ayden said honestly. “It seems all wrong. Besides, we’re Christians—why would God let anything bad like this happen to us?”
Dad shook his head. “Christians don’t get a free pass that keeps hard things from happening, but what we do have is hope and assurance that Jesus is with us and will use our troubles for good. He knows when we’re sad or discouraged, and He wants to give us His comfort and peace. Even when things are very hard, we can have that comfort and peace because He has saved us and promised us eternal life with Him.” Dad smiled at Ayden. “God never makes any mistakes, Ayden. Whenever what’s happening seems to be more than you can handle, remember that your mother and I love you very much, but Jesus loves you even more than we do. He will be with you and give you strength in hard times.”
Ayden walked away, thinking about his father’s words. He went to his room and shut the door. Dear Jesus, he prayed, I still don’t understand why You let this happen, but I know You’re in control of everything and that You love me so much You died for me. He brushed away a tear. I can’t handle this without You. Please give me and Mom and Dad strength in this hard time. Please make Dad get better, but help me to trust You, no matter what. • Ruth I. Jay
How about you?
How do you react to hard things in your life? Do you get bitter and angry? Or do you remember that God has promised to be with His children through every difficult situation? Jesus wants to help you. Tell Him how you feel—He understands, and He loves you. Even though you may not understand why He allows some things to happen, you can trust Him to be with you and to give you strength.
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