Daily Devotional for May 30, 2018

Thorns and Berries

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Thorns and Berries

Today's Verse

2 Corinthians 4:8, 15-18 in KJV, NKJV, NIV, ERV

Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

“What a mess!” Kiera said as she and her parents walked into Grandma’s living room. “This is terrible!” There had been a fire in Grandma’s house, and three rooms had been damaged by the smoke and flames. Kiera’s parents had come to clean up and get anything worth keeping.

“Mom, why would God let something like this happen to a Christian?” Kiera asked while they worked. “I don’t get it.”

“Troubles are a part of life for everyone,” Mom said. “The big difference is that Christians have someone to turn to for help.”

“But Grandma lost so many things!” Kiera cried. “It’s just too much!” She turned to her little sister, who was pulling on her arm. “Mom, can Gracyn and I go outside?”

“Sure,” said Mom. “I think you both could use a break.”

The girls went outside, but before very long, they were back. Little Gracyn held out her hands and sobbed. “Mommy!” she cried. “My hands hurt!”

“We were picking raspberries, and her hands got scratched by a bush,” Kiera explained.

“Yeah,” Gracyn said through her tears. “A bad bush!”

“The bush isn’t bad,” Kiera said as Mom cleaned Gracyn’s hands. “Remember the yummy berries you got from it?”

Mom gave Gracyn a hug. “Your sister is right.” She smiled at Kiera. “You know, Kiera, we sometimes think like Gracyn when something bad happens to us.”

Kiera looked up. “What do you mean?”

“When the raspberry bush hurt Gracyn, she quickly forgot that there is also something good about it,” said Mom. “We often think that way when something in life hurts us.”

“You mean like the fire here in Grandma’s house,” Kiera said slowly. She sighed. “You’re right—I don’t see anything good about it!”

“I know, but God says He uses everything in a Christian’s life for good,” Mom replied. “Even bad things we don’t understand. But even when things like that happen, we can find comfort and peace knowing our lives are still good because Jesus is in control and promises to be with us as He works everything out.”

Kiera nodded and looked around the burnt room. “Even if we can’t understand how right now.” – Ann Martin

How about you?

Do you get angry at God when something bad happens to you or someone you love? It can be hard to remember that He’s in control when it seems like everything is out of control. You may not always understand how a difficult situation could ever be used for good, but Jesus does, and He promises to be with you and help you when you face hard times. Trust Him in every circumstance.

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