Daily Devotional for July 10, 2020
They’re Human Too

Aiden looked up somewhat fearfully when he heard the back door slam. He knew that sound meant his father had come into the house. Dad used to come home in a good mood, eager to talk with his family. But lately he had been so short-tempered and grumpy that Aiden didn’t know what to expect. He was almost afraid to be around Dad now, and it made him sad. He felt as if he’d lost his father.
Sighing, Aiden gathered his homework from the coffee table and headed to his bedroom. I’ll get out of the way before Dad blows up at me, he thought. He could hear Mom and Dad talking in the kitchen.
When his homework was finished, Aiden went to see if he could help his mom fix dinner. To his surprise, his parents were sitting at the kitchen table, holding hands! He could tell they had both been crying. He felt embarrassed and quickly turned to leave.
Dad called him back. “Don’t go, Aiden,” he said. “Please sit down. I need to talk to you.”
Nervously, Aiden sat down.
“I know I haven’t been a very pleasant person to be around lately,” said Dad, “and I’m really sorry. I want to ask you to forgive me.”
“Sure, Dad. Mom told me you were under a lot of pressure at work. It’s okay.”
“Thanks, buddy, but the way I’ve been acting is not okay,” said Dad. “Frustration at work is a poor excuse for my behavior, and I’m so sorry! I’ve asked Jesus to forgive me, and He has. Mom has too, and now I’m asking you to forgive me and to pray for me. With God’s help, I’m going to do better. I want to be a real father to you again.”
With tears in his eyes, Aiden jumped up from his chair and hugged his dad. He was so happy to have Dad back again, and he would be glad to pray for him. I should have started doing that a long time ago, he thought. • Doris J. Schuchard
How about you?
Do you expect your parents to be perfect? It’s important to remember that they’re human, just like you, and that they deal with their own problems and frustrations, some of which you might not even know about. When they act in ways you don’t understand, be sure to pray for them. Even when everything seems to be going well, they still need your prayer and support. Pray for your parents regularly.
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