Daily Devotional for May 29, 2020

The Yard Sale

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
The Yard Sale

Today's Verse

1 CORINTHIANS 6:19-20; 1 PETER 1:18-21 in KJV, NKJV, NIV, ERV

Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

“Wow! What a lot of people!” Ross exclaimed. He and his sister Stephanie surveyed the scene before them. People were looking at the variety of items arranged on tables along the driveway and on the lawn. Mom sat near the garage with her money box. “I guess yard sales are a big thing.”

“They sure are,” said Stephanie. “Hey, Ross! Remember the race car you made for the derby last year? It’s already sold.”

“Sold!” Ross frowned. “I didn’t want to sell my race car!”

Stephanie’s eyes widened. “You didn’t?”

“No!” said Ross. “I spent hours on that car! I can’t believe Mom sold it.”

“She told us to go through the boxes to make sure there was nothing we wanted to keep,” said Stephanie.

“Yeah, I know,” Ross said, sighing. “I just forgot.”

“I know who bought the racecar,” said Stephanie. “It was Mrs. Barker. She lives down the street—and do you know what she does with the stuff she buys?” Stephanie didn’t wait for an answer. “She has yard sales of her own and resells things at higher prices! She’ll probably sell your car that way.”

Stephanie was right. The very next Saturday there was a huge yard sale at Mrs. Barker’s house. Ross could barely contain his excitement when he found his race car there. When he explained the situation to see if Mrs. Barker would just give him the car back, she shook her head. “I bought it fair and square,” she said. She wouldn’t budge on the price either, so Ross finally took some money from his pocket. “Eight dollars,” he grumbled as he handed the bills to Mrs. Barker.

“I got my car back,” Ross said when he got home. “I made it, and I bought it—for eight whole dollars!”

Dad looked up and smiled. “That’s just like what God has done for us,” he said. “He created us, so we belonged to Him. But then…”

“We sinned, and the punishment is eternal death and separation from God forever,” Ross replied. “To save us from death, God bought us back.”

“Yes, He did—at an unbelievable price,” said Dad. “It took the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son.”

Ross nodded. “Eight dollars is nothing compared to that.” KAREN R. LOCKLEAR

How about you?

Did you know that God made you and wants you to live with Him forever? But your sin separates you from Him, so He paid a great price to pay the penalty for your sin and buy you back. Jesus, God’s Son, loves you so much He died to give you eternal life. When you trust Him to save you, you belong to Him forever. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)

Today's Verse


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