Daily Devotional for December 18, 2020
The Wrong Way

“You should have seen James in gym class today!” Garrett said as his family began dinner. His younger brother gave him a nasty look, but Garrett didn’t seem to notice. “Our class played touch football against the third graders, and you know what James did? When he got the ball, he ran toward the wrong goal! Almost made a touchdown too—for the wrong team. It was a hoot!”
“Yeah, yeah,” said James, reluctantly joining in the laughter at his expense.
“You’re in good company,” Dad said. “It’s happened before—to a professional! Way back in 1929, a man named Roy Riegels played for the California Golden Bears. One time when he got the ball, he took off for the wrong goal with do-or-die determination. One of his teammates finally managed to bring him down about a yard from the goal line. But his team still lost the game.”
“So did James’s,” said Garrett gleefully. “We beat them.”
“Good thing it was only a football game,” said Mom. “Some people run hard and long in the game of life, and they don’t realize they’re running in the wrong direction.”
“What are you talking about, Mom?” asked James.
“Many people think they’re headed for heaven because they’re trying really hard and doing their best to live a good life,” Mom explained. “In fact, I used to believe that. I thought my good deeds put almost everyone else to shame! But I was wrong—I was still a sinner, and my good deeds meant nothing. As long as I refused to acknowledge that Jesus was the only way to be saved and have eternal life, I was headed in the wrong direction.”
Dad sighed and shook his head. “How awful it would be to find out, after all is said and done, that we had gone the wrong way.”
“See, Garrett? Heading the wrong way on a football field isn’t so bad after all,” said James. “And I know I’m heading in the right direction in life—toward Jesus!” • Hazel W. Marett
How about you?
Are you running toward the right goal in life? You’re not if you’re trying to get to heaven in any way other than through Jesus. Doing good deeds, giving to the poor, helping the elderly, and just doing your best to live a good life is great, but none of it will change the fact that you’re a sinner. Only Jesus can remove your sin and make you truly good. He is the only way to be saved and have eternal life. Trust in Him. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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