Daily Devotional for October 2, 2020
The Wrong Reason

Lucy smiled as she shook the coins out of her piggy bank. There’s more here than I remembered! she thought. I can put a little extra in the offering at church this week and use the rest to buy some candy, she decided happily.
When Lucy arrived at her Sunday school class, she sat with her friend Mary. As their teacher began passing the offering plate, Mary took some money out of her pocket and showed it to Lucy. “My aunt gave me a nice big check for my birthday,” Mary told her, “and I’m going to put some of it in the offering.” Lucy noticed it was a lot more than she planned to give.
“How about you, Lucy?” asked Mary. “How much did you bring?”
Lucy blushed. What she planned to give didn’t seem like much anymore. But she had brought all her money along, including what she intended to use for herself. She showed it to Mary, and when the plate came around, she reluctantly dropped it all in.
On the way home from church, Lucy sat quietly in the back seat. “Why such a sad face, honey?” asked Mom.
Lucy sighed and explained what had happened in her Sunday school class. “I don’t get it,” she said. “I gave more than I planned to give, so I should feel good about it, right?”
“Not necessarily,” said Mom. “The money you planned to give was of your own free will—a love gift to God. The extra money was given to impress your friend. You gave it for the wrong reason—to make yourself look better to someone else, not out of gratitude for everything Jesus has done for you.”
Lucy sighed. “My reason for giving all of it wasn’t right, but God will still use it, won’t He?”
“Of course He will,” Dad replied. “When we give something for the wrong reason, we can confess it to Jesus and know He will make it right.” Dad smiled at her in the rearview mirror. “In the future, decide what you believe Jesus wants you to give and stick with that. Don’t discuss it with your friends. Keep it between you and the Lord. Then joyfully give it to be used for His glory.” • Sherry L. Kuyt
How about you?
Do you give some of your own money to the Lord each week at church? That’s good, but remember to give for the right reason. The Bible tells us to give generously out of gratitude for all God has given us—never to impress other people. Pray about how much you should give, and perhaps talk to your parents about it too. Then give with a cheerful, willing heart out of thankfulness for everything Jesus has done for you.
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