Daily Devotional for September 12, 2017
The Wise Squirrel

“Guess what Joseph is doing?” exclaimed Carlee as she burst into the kitchen. “He’s burying acorns near the apple tree!”
“Who’s Joseph?” asked Mom. “The new boy next door?”
Carlee laughed. “No, Mom! Joseph is the squirrel who comes to our garden. But why would he bury acorns instead of eating them?”
Carlee’s brother, Michael, answered her question. “He’s storing them away to eat in the winter,” said Michael.
Mom nodded. “While the weather is good, squirrels collect acorns and hide them,” she said. “Then when winter comes and food is hard to find, they have their secret supply.”
“That sounds like Joseph in the Bible,” said Michael. “God told him to collect grain for seven years so that when a famine came, the people would have plenty to eat.”
“You’re right,” said Mom. “We can learn something from both Josephs.”
“You mean we need to store up food in case there’s a famine here?”
Mom smiled. “I was thinking of a different kind of food—spiritual food. When difficult times come, we often realize we need God’s help, but we don’t always remember to use the good times to store up spiritual food and strengthen our relationship with Jesus so we know we can trust and depend on Him when things get tough.”
“How do we store up spiritual food?” asked Carlee.
“When things are going well for us, we should be faithful in learning about Jesus and all He’s done for us,” replied Mom. “Some of the ways we can do that is by reading the Bible, memorizing verses, meeting with other Christians, and hearing God’s Word explained by pastors and teachers.”
“I get it,” said Michael. “If we do those things to store up spiritual food, it will help us remember He’s with us when hard times come.”
“Right,” said Mom. “For example, there have been times when I needed wise advice or encouragement, and a verse just popped into my head—one I learned when I was a little girl and hadn’t even thought about for years. We can draw spiritual strength from all the things we’ve learned about Jesus from God’s Word in the past and know our future is safe in His hands.” – Tanya Ferdinandusz
How about you?
Are things going well for you right now? Then use this time to thank Jesus and learn all you can about Him. But maybe you’re dealing with difficulties in your life. Ask Jesus to encourage you and remind you of everything He’s done for you and others. Remember that He helped Joseph in his time of trouble, and He’ll do the same for you.
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