Daily Devotional for June 28, 2017
The Way In

“I’ll be back for dinner, Mom,” Zach said as he pulled his beach towel off the clothesline. “I’ll be swimming with Kade at the country club.”
When the boys got to the entryway of the big club building, Kade showed a card to the greeter at the welcome desk. The man smiled and waved them through. They headed straight for the pool, and before they knew it, the afternoon was over. They grabbed their things and headed to Zach’s house for dinner. The aroma of burgers on the grill made them realize they were hungrier than they thought.
“Yum! When do we eat?” Zach asked eagerly.
Dad gave the hamburgers a final flip before adding the cheese. “We can eat as soon as this cheese melts,” he said. “Why don’t we give thanks for our food, and then these should be ready.” They all bowed their heads as Dad prayed. “Thank You, Father, for this beautiful, sunny day and for letting Kade join us tonight. We’re especially grateful for your Son, Jesus. We also give You thanks for this food. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
As Dad passed the hamburgers, Kade said, “We hardly ever pray at our house. There’s a lot I don’t really understand about it—like why do you say you’re thankful for Jesus?”
“If it weren’t for Him, we wouldn’t get to heaven,” said Zach.
“Why not?” asked Kade. “How does He help?”
“Think of it this way, Kade,” said Dad. “We don’t have a membership at the country club, but Zach goes swimming there quite often. How does that happen? Why do they let him in?”
“Well, my dad owns the country club,” replied Kade, “so Zach can get in because he comes with me. He’s my friend.”
“So he gets in because he knows you, the son of the owner, right?” Kade nodded. “That’s how it is with heaven,” Dad said. “We get to go to heaven when we know Jesus, the Son of God. And you know what, Kade? You can know Him too. Would you like to hear more about it?”
“Yeah!” Kade said. “I’ve never heard that before.” – Deana Rogers
How about you?
Do you know Jesus? Is He your personal friend? He is the Son of God, and it’s only by knowing Him that you can get to heaven. Nothing else—and no one else—can make it possible for you to go there. Accept Jesus as your Savior and put your trust in Him today. (See “The ABCs of Salvation” in the column to the right.)
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