Daily Devotional for August 22, 2020
The Wallet

Where did my wallet go? wondered Nico as he got ready to leave school. He checked his pockets and looked all through his desk. I’m sure it was in my pocket when we walked back from the baseball field after gym class.
Before going home, Nico and one of his friends went out and searched all around the baseball diamond. No wallet. They looked in Nico’s locker. It wasn’t there either. They asked other kids if they had seen it. No one had. When Nico got home, he looked all through the house, even though he was sure it wouldn’t be there. He was right. But when he checked the Lost and Found box at school the next day, he let out a whoop. “There it is!” he said joyfully.
That evening, Nico happily told his parents he had found his wallet.
“Your lost-and-found wallet reminds me of some parables Jesus told,” said Dad. “In one, a shepherd searched till he found a sheep that was lost. In another, a woman lost a coin and searched until she found it. Both the shepherd and the woman called their friends to let them know what was lost had been found so they could rejoice together.”
Nico grinned. “Did they throw a party? I could invite my friends over to celebrate my wallet being found!”
Mom laughed. “We’ll skip the party, but you can have some cake,” she said,
getting it out. “Do you know who else is happy when something is found?” “No. Who?” asked Nico.
“Jesus!” replied Mom.
Nico looked puzzled. “Jesus is happy I found my wallet?”
“Well, I’m sure He is because He cares about you,” said Mom, “but I was thinking about people being found, not wallets. Those parables Jesus told show us how He seeks out people who are lost in sin and celebrates when they are found.”
Dad nodded. “The Bible says the angels in heaven rejoice when a lost sinner turns to Jesus and is saved.”
Nico took a bite of cake. “So, there was a party in heaven when I trusted Jesus as my Savior? That’s cool!”
“It sure is,” said Dad. “That’s how much Jesus loves us.” • Jorlyn A. Grasser
How about you?
Have you ever lost something and searched a long time for it? Do you remember how happy you felt when you finally found it? That’s how Jesus describes the joy in heaven when a lost sinner turns to Him. He came to this earth to seek and save sinners—He gave His life so they could be found. That’s how much He loves you. When you trust in Him, you’re no longer lost. You’re found. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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