Daily Devotional for May 6, 2020
The Uneven Path

Micah looked at the pile of bricks his dad was going to use to make a walkway from the front door to the driveway. “Mom, since it’s Dad’s birthday tomorrow, can I surprise him and make the brick walk before he gets home?” Micah asked eagerly.
Mom smiled. “You can try putting bricks in place if you want to, but that’s a big job. I’m sure Dad will have to help you with it.”
Micah hurried out and carefully placed bricks on the ground next to each other. Then he surveyed his work. If people use this path, they’ll trip, he thought. It’s all rough and crooked, but I don’t know how to fix it.
“Nice try,” said Dad when he got home later that afternoon.
“The bricks won’t lie flat,” said Micah. “Why not?”
“It’s because the ground underneath the path isn’t level,” said Dad. “We have to fix that first.”
They picked up the bricks and restacked them. Then Dad showed Micah how to dig out the dirt where the path would go, and how to smooth it with a board until it was level. Finally, they carefully replaced the bricks.
“That looks much better!” Micah said when they finished. “The bricks are all nice and even now.” He grinned at his dad. “I learned a verse in church about this.”
“You did?” Dad wrinkled his brow.
“Yep. Proverbs 4:26 says to follow a safe, level path for our feet—like the one we just made with these bricks.”
“Yes,” said Dad, “but you know that verse isn’t talking about physical feet, right? It’s saying we need to have a level path spiritually.”
“Yeah, I know,” replied Micah. “Our teacher said we need Jesus to make a straight spiritual path for us—kind of like how I needed your help with this path.”
“That’s right,” said Dad. “When we know Jesus, the Holy Spirit lays a level path for us and guides us in difficult situations. His path will always lead us in the right direction. But if we venture off it and follow our own sinful desires, we stumble and hurt ourselves. That’s why we need to watch where we go spiritually and follow God’s path for our lives.” LINDA HENTSCHEL
How about you?
What kind of path are you following? Are you walking God’s straight and level path? Or are you chasing your own desires every which way? Venturing away from God’s path will only cause you to stumble and get hurt. Whether you’ve never been on God’s path before or you’ve wandered away, you can walk that level path today. Trust Jesus to make your path straight as you follow and obey Him.
Today's Verse
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