Daily Devotional for November 26, 2019
The Truth Can Hurt

“Whoa, there!” Mom said when she saw her daughter’s tear-stained cheeks. “What’s wrong?”
Lydia sniffled. “Emma and I had a fight.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. Come tell me about it.” Mom put two cookies on a plate and poured a glass of milk for Lydia. “What did you fight about?”
Lydia stared at her plate, still sniffling. “She said I’m a terrible singer!”
“Emma said that?” Mom asked in disbelief. “Did she use those words?”
“Well . . .” Lydia bit into a cookie. “She didn’t use those exact words. She said I should try out for the basketball team instead of honors chorus.”
Mom got a cookie for herself, trying not to smile. “Is that all she said?”
“No.” Lydia paused to finish the cookie. “She said I’m better at basketball than singing.”
“Do you think that’s true?” asked Mom.
“Lydia, you know our family isn’t known for beautiful singing. We like to make joyful noises, but most people avoid sitting near us in church during worship time.” Mom winked at her daughter. “You’re a natural at basketball though. You beat your big brother almost every time he challenges you.”
“I know,” Lydia said. “I just really want to be in chorus because Emma is sure to get in.”
“Sounds like Emma was just trying to speak the truth in love.”
“Maybe,” Lydia said, “but couldn’t she just have told me I had a great voice so I’d feel good about myself?”
“True friends tell us what we need to hear, not what we want to hear,” Mom said, clearing away their empty plates. “It may hurt at first, but it might save us from greater hurt and disappointment in the long run. In the Bible, Jesus was always honest with His friends, even when it was difficult for them to hear. I don’t think Emma meant to hurt your feelings—I think she was just trying to be a good friend.”
Lydia rose from the table. “If I make the basketball team, I bet Emma will come to all my games and cheer me on. And I can go to all her concerts.” She looked at her mom. “Can I go over to Emma’s house now?”
Mom smiled and nodded. Suzanne Felton
How about you?
Has a friend ever said something to you that hurt? Did it hurt because it was true? All friends disagree from time to time, but real friends speak the truth in love. Jesus told his closest friends what they needed to hear, even when they didn’t want to listen. Truth spoken by a friend is always more valuable than false praise.
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