Daily Devotional for November 7, 2022
The Trail

“Dad, can we hike that trail?” asked Anya, pointing to a path a few feet from their campsite. “The sign says it’s a thirty-minute walk.”
“It’s okay with me if mom doesn’t mind waiting with Alex for half an hour,” said Dad.
Mom laughed. “Go! Alex is sound asleep, and I have a good book to read.”
Anya and her dad began their hike, talking as they walked. “Dad, I kinda have a problem with my friend Mika,” Anya said. “Sometimes she’s really nice and even asks me questions about why I go to church and believe in Jesus. Other times, she acts like she doesn’t even know me. She and some other kids laughed when a boy in my class made a joke about me being a Christian the other day. Sometimes I wonder if it does any good to try to tell people about Jesus.”
“I know, Anya,” said Dad sympathetically. “Just remember that we don’t always get to see the results of our efforts. But God promises that the truth of His Word will always accomplish what He wants it to, so don’t give up telling others the good news of Jesus.”
As they went on, the trail became more difficult. They climbed hills, fought branches, swatted at bugs, and stumbled over rocks. After a while, Anya stopped to rest. “Tired?” asked Dad as he sank down beside her on a fallen log.
Anya nodded. “I didn’t realize we’d have to go through so many little hills and valleys on this trail.”
“Do you want to quit?” Dad asked.
Anya vehemently shook her head. “No! We’re not quitters!”
“You know, Anya, the Christian walk is a little like this trail. Sometimes it seems easy. Other times, there are rough spots to cross. Life has a lot of ups and downs—hills and valleys, you might say. We sometimes get weary and discouraged as we walk through life with Jesus, and it can be very tempting to stop and give up. But the Bible tells us to run with endurance, knowing Jesus is with us and will help us finish the course.”
With a grin, Anya scrambled to her feet. “Don’t worry, Dad—I’m not going to give up being a Christian or quit this hike. Let’s go!”
-Vicki L. Reinhardt
How about you?
Do you ever grow weary or get discouraged in your Christian walk? Have you experienced disappointments? Have you been mocked because of your beliefs? Have you wondered if your efforts to serve God are accomplishing anything? Remember that your Christian walk will have both highs and lows. Don’t give up! Keep on going, knowing Jesus is with you, giving you strength. Trust Him to help you finish the course and use your example to accomplish His purpose.
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