Daily Devotional for February 21, 2019
The Tattletale List

“Mom! Kerianne took my book without asking!” Shawn called from his bedroom.
Kerianne’s shout followed her brother’s. “Shawn never shares anything, and he always says no when I ask to borrow something!”
Mom came to the bedroom door and sighed. “I’m tired of this! You’re always arguing and tattling on each other. Do you think your actions show that you belong to Jesus? You have to learn to work out your problems and forgive each other.” Mom’s eyebrows furrowed in thought, then she left the room and came back with two notepads. “I’m giving each of you a notebook. Instead of telling me all your complaints, write down anything the other one does that bothers you. After supper next Friday, Dad and I will look at your lists and give out any punishment we feel is necessary.”
All right! thought Shawn. Kerianne’s going to get it now! He didn’t have to wait very long before he saw his sister playing with his cars without asking. He ran to get his notebook. All week he watched, and by Friday, Shawn had listed twenty-three things his sister had done.
Just before supper that night, Kerianne came to him. “I’ll show you my list if you’ll show me yours.”
“Okay,” said Shawn. “Let’s see it.”
Shawn was surprised to see almost thirty things on Kerianne’s list. He read, “Shawn slammed the door in my face…Shawn messed up my doll house today…Shawn called me names.” And worst of all, “Shawn hit me when I wouldn’t give him some of my candy.”
“Oh no!” Shawn said. “If Mom and Dad see this, I’m really going to be in trouble!”
Kerianne was busy reading Shawn’s list. “I am too,” she said. “Shawn, I’m sorry I did all these things.” She grabbed her list of Shawn’s wrongs and ripped it up. “And I forgive you for all the things you did to me. I’m giving this list to Jesus to take care of—that’s something we talked about in church last week.”
Shawn smiled as he ripped up his own list. “I forgive you too, Kerianne.” – Sherry L. Kuyt
How about you?
Do you like to tattle? Sometimes it’s easy to notice that other people are doing bad things and forget that you’re not perfect yourself. At some point you might see someone do something that could have serious consequences, and then you should tell an adult. But don’t make a habit of tattling just to get what you want or make others look bad. Forgive others when they wrong you—just like Jesus forgave you.
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