Daily Devotional for January 18, 2021
The Snowstorm

“I can hardly see anything!” exclaimed Maya as snow swirled around the car.
“Everything is so white!”
“Yes,” said Mom. “It’s hard to even see the lines on the road!”
Vivian pointed ahead. “Look, Dad! There’s a truck up ahead of us. Couldn’t we make better time if we stayed close behind it?”
“It looks like other people have the same idea,” Dad said as two cars passed them and sped up to follow more closely behind the truck. “They’re going too fast,” added Dad. “We’ll just go slowly until we find a place to stop.”
Soon they saw the same truck again—in a ditch. “Look!” said Maya. “That truck drove right off the road, and those two cars followed it!”
“The blind leading the blind,” Dad murmured. “Hopefully the snow will let up soon. If not, we’ll try to find a motel and wait until tomorrow to move on.”
Before long the snow did let up, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m glad you didn’t follow that truck like I suggested,” said Vivian. “But what did you mean about the blind leading the blind?”
“Jesus once told His disciples that if the blind lead the blind, they both fall into the ditch,” Dad explained. “That’s what happened back there. The driver of the truck obviously couldn’t see any better than the drivers of the cars. They just followed him anyway, and he led them off the road.”
“Well, I’m sure Jesus wasn’t talking about trucks or cars,” said Vivian.
“No,” said Dad. “Jesus was talking about spiritual blindness. He was teaching that we need to trust and follow Him.”
“At school, a lot of kids seem to follow singers, athletes, movie stars—people like that,” said Maya. “Is that bad?”
“It depends,” said Dad. “It’s fine to admire someone’s ability to sing or play a sport, but only Jesus can open our eyes to spiritual truth. We need to trust Him as our Savior and follow His example. Other Christians can help us understand what it means to follow Jesus by modeling it in their own lives. But imitating the sinful ways of someone who’s following their own desires instead of Jesus will not lead us anywhere we want to go.” • Karen R. Locklear
How about you?
Who do you admire and want to be like? People who display the love of Jesus and encourage others in their faith? Or someone who tells you it’s okay to disrespect someone you don’t like, to be dishonest, or to do some other sinful thing? Don’t follow such people. They are blind to the wisdom and knowledge of God. Look to those who know and love Jesus as examples of how we must all imitate Him.
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