Daily Devotional for July 3, 2020
The Sacrifice

“What’s the matter, Kinsley?” Mom asked, surprised to see her youngest child in tears in front of the television.
“A bear killed the girl’s dog,” Kinsley sobbed.
Mom put an arm around her. “Oh, honey, it’s just a movie. It didn’t really happen.”
Kinsley sniffed. “But it was so sad! It was a story about a girl named Mia. When she got in trouble for disobeying her parents, she decided to run away. She took her dog, Tucker, and went deep into the woods. As they were walking along the path, an angry bear charged out at them. Mia tried to get away, but the bear was too fast. It almost caught her, but then Tucker rushed over and attacked it. Then the bear went after Tucker and…and killed him!” Kinsley started crying again. “If only Mia hadn’t gone off alone in the woods! Then that wouldn’t have happened.”
Mom gave Kinsley a hug. “What a sad story with a sad ending. Mia ran away from home, and Tucker sacrificed his life for her—the dog loved her that much.” She wiped a tear from Kinsley’s cheek. “Did you know that, a long time ago, someone died for us? Only His story has a happy ending.”
Kinsley looked at her mother. “Really? What happened?”
“We disobeyed God and ran away from Him, and Satan, like a vicious bear, wants to destroy each of us. But Jesus gave His life to save us—He loves us that much,” Mom explained.
Kinsley sat quietly thinking. She had heard the story of Jesus many times. “Jesus died, but He came back to life, didn’t He? He’s not dead anymore. He’s alive.”
“That’s right,” said Mom. “Jesus took the punishment for our sin—all the ways we’ve disobeyed God. Then He rose from the dead, and now He lives in heaven. Everyone who trusts Him as their Savior will live with Him forever.”
Kinsley smiled. “Jesus really loves us a lot, doesn’t He?”
“He sure does,” said Mom. “Tucker saved Mia’s life in that movie, but Jesus sacrificed His life to save us for all eternity.” • Patricia C. Singletary
How about you?
Do you understand the wonderful sacrifice Jesus made for you? Like everyone else, you are a sinner who has disobeyed God, but Jesus loves you so much He died to take the punishment for your sins. Trust in Him today and accept the gift of salvation and eternal life God offers you. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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