Daily Devotional for December 30, 2019
The Right Reason (Part 2)

I still can’t believe Coltan and his dad didn’t even thank us for the stuff we gave them,” Austin said as he and his dad drove home after taking groceries to the Baker family. He looked out the window as they passed by a small lake. “Oh no! It’s thawing! Why does it have to do that? We need snow for our youth retreat.”
“Well, it may change,” said Dad, “but I did hear that we should expect above average temperatures all week.” Austin groaned.
When they got home, Mom had cheese and crackers waiting for them. Austin frowned. “I wanted hot chocolate and cookies,” he complained, “but I suppose I’ll have to make do with this.”
“It hits the spot with me!” said Dad.
Austin helped himself to several crackers. “Can I get new skis?” he asked as he munched a cracker. “Chuck has new ones, and they slide a lot better than mine. I want a new jacket too.”
Dad shook his head. “No new skis this year. Check with Mom on the jacket.”
“Your old jacket will make it through the winter,” said Mom, “or at least until they go on sale. At the rate you’re growing, a jacket you got now probably wouldn’t fit you next year.”
Austin sighed. “You and Dad never let me get as much stuff as my friends do.”
“Is your last name Baker?” Dad asked. Austin looked startled as he shook his head. “You grumbled when Coltan and his dad didn’t thank us for helping them,” said Dad. “Now you’re acting the same way they did. Instead of being thankful for what you have, you’ve complained about the weather, food, skis, clothes—even about the parents God gave you.”
“I—I’m sorry,” said Austin. “I got upset when Coltan and his dad weren’t thankful, but I’m sure I don’t sound very thankful to God right now for all He’s given me.” He glanced at his mother. “Thanks for making us a snack.” He grinned. “And I love my old coat and skis.”
Dad put his hands on his hips. “And…oh yeah!” said Austin. “The weather! I just love warm winter weather—and my parents!” They all laughed. Linda M. Weddle
How about you?
Are you thankful for all God has provided for you? Did you thank your family for every Christmas gift you got—even if it wasn’t exactly what you asked for? The Bible tells us to be content because we’ve been given the gift of Jesus, who saved us and gives us all we need. Learn to be content with what He provides and thank Him—and others—for it.
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