Daily Devotional for February 9, 2017
The Right Focus

Dinner was finished, and Egan was just thinking of teasing his sister when she interrupted his plan. “Why did you have to stay in during recess today?” she asked him. “I heard you and a bunch of other kids got caught cheating on a test.”
Egan swallowed hard, and it suddenly became very quiet in the kitchen. Only Goldie, the family dog, had anything to say as she yipped for a handout. “Goldie, quiet!” Dad said. Goldie sat down immediately and waited.
“It was no big deal,” muttered Egan, but the look on Dad’s face said otherwise. Egan sighed. “Chandler got a copy of the answers and was passing them around, and I kept thinking about being on the honor roll, so…well, I took a look.”
“I see,” said Dad. He cut a scrap of meat and showed it to Goldie. The dog began licking her lips hungrily. “Goldie, stay!” Dad said firmly, then placed the meat on the floor in front of the dog. Goldie thumped her tail excitedly but stayed where she was. “Egan, do you have any idea why Goldie is able to resist the temptation to take the meat?”
Egan grinned. “She probably knows Naomi helped make dinner tonight, and…ow!” His sister’s elbow had made a direct hit in Egan’s ribs.
“Look at Goldie’s eyes,” said Dad, not finding Egan’s remark too amusing. “They’re looking at me, right?” Egan nodded. “If Goldie kept staring at the meat, she’d never be able to resist it,” said Dad. “Instead, she’s focusing on her master.” He turned toward Egan. “Whenever you’re tempted, who should you focus on?”
“Jesus,” replied Egan with a sigh. “I know that, Dad. But you make it sound so easy, and it isn’t easy!”
“You’re right, Egan. It’s not easy at all,” said Dad, “but it is your choice. When you’re tempted, you need to stop yourself and direct your thoughts back to where they ought to be. Focus on Jesus and how He set you free from sin and made you a new person.”
Dad picked up the scrap of meat and tossed it into the air. Goldie caught and swallowed it, barely taking time to chew. She sat down and licked her lips again. It had been worth the wait. – A. J. Schut
How about you?
Do you find yourself in situations where you’re tempted to do something that’s wrong? Don’t spend time thinking about things you know are wrong and wishing you could do them. Instead, focus your thoughts on Jesus. Remember who you are in Him, and let Him be your guide as you make your choices.
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