Daily Devotional for September 22, 2022
The Right Bait (Part 2)

Natalie was grinning as she climbed into the car after church. “Can I go fishing next weekend?” she asked. “My youth group leader said I should.”
Dad chuckled as he started the car. “You hate fishing, so there’s got to be a catch.”
Natalie’s brother Gavin laughed. “Good one, Dad.” He turned to his sister. “Get it? Catch?”
Natalie rolled her eyes. “Our lesson today was about being fishers of people,” she explained. “I told the class how you use the right kind of bait when you go fishing for bluegills, and we decided we should think about what would be the right bait to use when we fish for people.”
“Interesting,” said Mom. “But what could possibly be better than what Jesus already offers us—eternal life with Him?”
“You’re right—that’s the best thing, of course,” said Natalie. “But Mrs. Parsons pointed out that lots of people live so focused on the present, as she put it, that they don’t really pay attention when we talk to them about heaven. So we decided we should also use something else to draw people in and make them want to listen when we talk about Jesus.”
“So what kind of bait are you gonna use for that?” asked Gavin.
“Love,” said Natalie.
“Love!” Gavin made a face. “Ugh! I don’t like mushy stuff.”
“Not mushy stuff,” said Natalie. “Mrs. Parsons says love can take different forms. Next weekend it’s going to take the form of a party.”
“That’s more like it!” said Gavin. “But how can a party be bait?”
“Well, it’s the kind of thing our friends will want to come to, and it will give us a chance to show them God’s love,” Natalie replied. “There will be food and games, and everyone’s welcome to invite their friends. We’re hoping people who don’t know Jesus will come so they can hear more about Him and see the love He’s put in our hearts.” Natalie grinned. “I’m going to invite Sierra.”
Dad nodded. “Jesus loved us so much He died on the cross for our sins, and He tells us to love others. Love is the bait we use to draw more people to Him.”
-Hazel W. Marett
How about you?
Are you fishing for people—are you sharing the good news of Jesus with others so they can know Him as their Savior too? What are you using for bait? The Bible says it’s our love that draws others to Jesus—love for God, love for other Christians, and love for those who don’t yet know Him. Let the love God has put in your heart fill your life so others will be drawn to Him.
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