Daily Devotional for November 11, 2020
The Riddle
“Hey, Mom! Do you know this rhyme?” Miles asked from the porch swing. “Here’s the church. Here’s the steeple. Open the door and see all the people.” Miles showed her the hand motions that went along with the words.
Mom laughed. “That’s an old one, Miles, but I still like it. Come over here. I have a riddle for you.”
Miles slid off of the porch swing and walked down the steps to where his mother was on her knees, working in the flower bed. She wrote in the dirt with her finger: CH _ _ CH. “Do you know what this is?” she asked.
Miles read the letters out loud. “C-H blank blank C-H.” He looked at his mom. “That doesn’t mean anything at all, does it?”
“You’re right. It doesn’t mean anything,” said Mom.
“Aw, Mom,” said Miles. “Then it isn’t really a riddle.”
“That is, it means nothing until you put a couple of important letters on those blanks,” added Mom. “What do you think they are? You can figure it out.”
Miles frowned and studied the letters in the dirt. “Well, a u and an r would make it church,” he said.
“You’ve got it! Church!” Mom grinned. “You see, it means nothing until U R in it.”
“Until U R in…” began Miles. Then he laughed. “Good one, Mom! U R needed in church.”
“Yes,” said Mom. “We all rely on each other for encouragement, prayer, and strengthening our faith.”
“I always knew church was important,” said Miles, “but I never thought about how important U R to church.”
Mom nodded. “You are, and so am I. Each one of us is important because together Christians make up the body of Christ—we’re the ones who show the world who Jesus is. When we put aside our busy, everyday lives and meet with Jesus and other members of His family at church, we can find joy in the prayers, music, sermons, lessons, and fellowship. We can also use our unique gifts to share God’s love and encourage each other in our faith.”
Miles grinned. “Thanks, Mom. I’ll remember that, because U R a good teacher!” • Jan L. Hansen
How about you?
Do you realize how important it is for you to be in church regularly? You need to experience the joy of worshiping God and learning more about Him with other Christians. It’s also important for you to be there because it encourages and blesses those who meet and worship with you. Each one of us is needed as we work together to help more people know about Jesus and His love for them. U R important in church!
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