Daily Devotional for September 19, 2022
The Real Story

Jonah put his school books down and sat at the kitchen table. He sighed, remembering a conversation he had at school that afternoon.
“Ram thinks the stories in the Bible—like Jesus healing people and doing other amazing things—are just made-up,” he told his mother. “Same as other fairy tales, like Hansel and Gretel and Snow White. He thinks all cultures have made-up stories.”
Mom poured him a glass of milk. “Is that what you believe?” she asked.
Jonah thought for a moment. “No, I don’t think those stories are made-up, but Ram told me a story from India that sounded like a fairy tale. He told me about Lord Vishnu and this serpent who lives forever, or something like that.”
“All cultures do have their stories, but the Bible is true, and it’s for everybody everywhere,” said Mom.
“How do you know?” asked Jonah.
“Because the Bible is God’s Word, given to us from the one true God. Even though the Bible has lots of parts and was written over 1500 years by many people, it is all one story about our Savior—Jesus, the Son of God, who died and rose again to save us from our sins.”
“But what do I say to Ram when he claims the Bible isn’t true?”
Jonah’s mom sat at the table beside him. “For one thing, you can explain that there were eyewitnesses to the things Jesus did. The disciples saw Jesus teach, heal, walk on water, and feed thousands, and they wrote about it. They were there when He was killed, buried, and raised back to life. They saw the truth with their own eyes, and they defended that truth to the death. After Jesus went back to heaven, the disciples spent their lives telling people about Him, and many of them were killed for it.”
“Wow! They must have really wanted others to know what they had seen Jesus do.” Jonah checked his watch. “Ram and I are meeting at the skate park. I’ll tell him what you said about eyewitnesses.”
“Great idea,” said Mom.
Jonah took his helmet off the wall hook. “Maybe I’ll ask Ram if he wants to come to youth group sometime. Then he can hear all about Jesus and know the real story!”
-Bonnie Carr
How about you?
Do you ever wonder if the Bible is true? Have people told you that the stories it tells about Jesus didn’t actually happen? The Bible was given to us by God, written by those He chose and inspired. Every word in the Bible points us to Jesus, the One who saves all who put their trust in Him. The Bible is His story, and it is true.
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