Daily Devotional for October 15, 2020
The Real Reason

“Hi, Rylee,” Zari said into the phone. “I was wondering if you’d like to come to my birthday party on Saturday. It’s at one o’clock.” She paused, then said, “Okay, see you there!”
Mom smiled as Zari handed her the phone and headed out to play with her friend Lillian. But Mom’s smile faded when she overheard the girls talking on the porch. “Is she coming?” Lillian asked. Zari grinned and nodded. “Good,” said Lillian. “When she gives you something as nice as the bracelet she gave me, you’ll be glad you invited her even though she’s weird.”
That evening, Mom sat on the edge of Zari’s bed. “Zari, I couldn’t help but overhear you and Lillian talking this afternoon. I was sorry to learn you had an ulterior motive when you invited Rylee to your birthday party.”
“Ulterior motive?” Zari asked. “I don’t even know what that is.”
“It means you have a reason other than the obvious one for doing something,” Mom explained. “I thought you invited Rylee to your party because you wanted her to be your friend, but your real reason was to get a nice gift from her.”
“Oh, Mom,” said Zari. “She won’t even think of that.”
“People may not see the real reason for things you do or say, but God does,” said Mom. “The Bible says God knows all our motives for doing what we do. It also tells us His motive for all He does for us is love, not selfishness.”
Zari hadn’t thought of what God would know or think. “I…I didn’t mean any harm,” she said. “Should I tell her not to come?”
“How do you think that would make her feel?” Mom asked. “I think you can find a better solution.”
“Um…maybe I could tell her not to bring a present?” suggested Zari.
Mom shook her head, and Zari thought about it some more. “I should be a friend to her all the time, shouldn’t I?” she said at last. “I never really tried to be her friend, but I will.”
“There you go,” said Mom with a smile. “The reason Jesus invites us to be friends with Him is because He loves us, and that should be our motive too.” • Phyllis M. Robinson
How about you?
Do you ever have an ulterior motive for doing something? Do you have reasons for being nice to someone other than wanting to be their friend? God knows why you do the things you do. Trust Him to show you when your motives are wrong and to help you correct them. His motive for all He does for you is love, and that should be the reason you show kindness to others.
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