Daily Devotional for December 24, 2022
The Real Gift

Emmy wriggled off her mother’s lap and toddled toward the brightly wrapped presents under the Christmas tree. “Hold it, little girl!” Mom scooped her up and brought her back to the couch. “Grandpa’s going to read us a story.”
Grandpa began to read the familiar story of the birth of Jesus. Emmy’s sister Joelle let her mind wander while he read about the angels and shepherds and the wise men bringing their gifts. Emmy’s going to love the teddy bear Arlo and I bought for her! Joelle thought.
Grandpa finished reading, and Mom prayed, thanking God for the Savior who came to give eternal life to all who trust in Him. Then gifts were passed out.
“This one’s for you, Emmy,” said Joelle, putting the gift from her and Arlo on the floor in front of her little sister. “Open it.” Emmy giggled, but she didn’t seem to know what to do. She just patted the ribbons. “Here, like this,” Joelle said as she pulled off a bow. Emmy grabbed the ribbon and put it in her mouth.
“At this rate it will take her all night,” said Arlo. “I want to see what she thinks of the gift we got her.” So he and Joelle began removing the wrapping paper.
“See the fluffy bear,” said Joelle as she put the bear in Emmy’s lap. Emmy looked at it for a moment, then flung it aside and reached for the wrappings. She laughed as she crinkled the colorful paper in her fingers and draped the ribbons over her head. Then she climbed into the empty box.
“We gave her a really nice gift, and she doesn’t even want it!” said Arlo. “She’d rather play with the paper and ribbon.”
“I can see that you kids are disappointed in Emmy’s reaction to your gift,” said Grandpa. “Do you think God ever feels that way at Christmas?”
Arlo and Joelle looked at him in surprise. “What do you mean?” asked Joelle.
“Emmy got caught up with the wrappings instead of the gift you gave her, and we can get caught up in all the bright and shiny fun of Christmas like presents, shopping, and parties and ignore the real gift,” Grandpa explained. “The gift of Jesus and the eternal life He offers us.”
-Jan L. Hansen
How about you?
What does Christmas mean to you? Does it mean parties and good food? Does it mean shopping and presents? Or do you think about God coming to earth as a baby? Do you thank Him for coming to save you from your sins? Have you accepted the most wonderful gift of all—eternal life through Jesus? Don’t ignore the real gift of Christmas. Trust in Jesus today! (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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