Daily Devotional for May 12, 2022
The Race of Life (Part 1)

“Gramps!” Asher called as he burst into his grandpa’s house. “Next month we’re going to have a big race at our school, and I’m going to be in it. I can’t wait! There will be prizes and everything.”
Grandpa chuckled. “You’d better slow down, or you’ll be worn out before the race starts,” he teased. “If you’re serious about running, it would be a good idea to cut down on junk foods. I ran a few races in my college days, and I remember the coach emphasizing the importance of a good diet.”
Asher groaned. “My gym teacher said the same thing, but I love candy and ice cream and potato chips! In fact, I love all the things they say are bad for you. How am I gonna live one whole month without all that good stuff?”
“Well, you can eat it if you want to. It’s up to you,” said Grandpa. “Of course, if you’re really serious about winning, you’ll probably want to cut out anything that would keep you from reaching your goal.”
Asher thought for a moment. “I do want to win, and I’ll do everything I can to come in first—even give up candy and stuff like that. The prize will be worth it.”
Grandpa nodded. “You know, Asher, the Bible compares our Christian lives to a race. Our goal is to run a good race before we cross the finish line and see Jesus face-to-face. To do well in the race of life, we may need to give up some things too.”
“Like what?” asked Asher.
“Well, we might be holding on to sinful habits that are slowing us down—things like lying, gossiping, or a bad temper. Or maybe we’re too focused on our own comfort and enjoyment, and we need to pick up the pace and find more ways to show the love of Jesus to those around us.”
Asher sighed. “That sounds even harder than giving up junk food for the race at school!”
“Maybe, but don’t forget that you’re not running the race of life alone,” said Grandpa. “Jesus is right by your side, and He will help you run a good race. Nothing we give up in this world can compete with the prize He won for us—eternal life with Him.”
-Sherry L. Kuyt
How about you?
Are you running your best race in life? Or are you holding on to things that slow you down? Don’t let anything get in the way of your goal to run a good race. Let Jesus help you keep your eyes on the prize as you trust and follow Him each day. He saved you so you could have eternal life with Him. Nothing you give up can compare with the reward of seeing Him at the finish line.
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