Daily Devotional for June 2, 2018
The Prescription

“Dad, why does God allow war?” Brent asked after hearing a news report on TV.
“That’s a hard question—it’s one people have been asking for centuries,” said Dad. “It’s hard to—” He paused as the door opened and Mom came in carrying Thea. Dad jumped up, took the little girl, and placed her on the couch. “What did the doctor say?” he asked.
“She has strep throat,” said Mom. “Dr. Thomas gave her this prescription.” She handed Dad a slip of paper. “Could you get this filled while I fix dinner?”
“I’ll go with you,” Brent said, and he and Dad went out to the car.
When they returned, Dad poured some of the medicine into a cup. “I have some medicine for you,” he told Thea.
“I don’t want it!” Thea wailed. “My throat hurts!”
“This will make your throat feel better,” Dad said gently.
Thea hid her face in the pillow. “I can’t swallow!”
“If you can scream and cry like that, you can swallow.” Dad finally got Thea to take her medicine, and soon she was sleeping soundly.
Later that evening, Brent returned to his question. “Why does God allow war, Dad?”
“I think I have an answer now,” Dad said. “Think of war as a sickness caused by sin. When Jesus died on the cross, He gave us the prescription, or cure, for sin. He invites all of us to trust and follow Him as our Savior. The doctor’s prescription wouldn’t have done Thea any good if she hadn’t taken it, and the prescription Jesus offers won’t help people if they don’t accept it.”
“So because people refuse to accept Jesus’ prescription and trust in Him, there’s war?” Brent asked.
Dad nodded. “Without Jesus, people are sick with the sin that’s in their hearts, and the whole world is sick too. But Jesus promises to cure the whole world of sin when He returns to make everything new. Then war—and everything else caused by sin—will be gone for good. In the meantime, when we choose to accept His prescription for sin and trust in Him, He makes us new and puts His love and peace in our hearts.”
Brent smiled. “Then we can share His love and peace with others!” – Barbara Westberg
How about you?
Have you wondered why there is always war going on somewhere? War exists because the world is sick with sin, and there’s only one way to cure the sin that’s in our hearts—accept that Jesus died to save us from sin and trust in Him. (See “Have You Heard the Good News?” on page 108.) You can’t stop war in the world, but you can have the peace of Jesus in your heart and share His love with others.
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