Daily Devotional for July 29, 2019
The Pottery Lesson

Malia’s Sunday school teacher held up a vase. “I’m taking an evening pottery class,” Mrs. Jordan told the girls, “and I thought you might like to see the vase I molded a few days ago. It’s dry enough to handle now, so it’s ready to be scraped and rubbed and cleaned. Then it will be put into the kiln—that’s a kind of oven that gets as hot as fire.” The class watched as their teacher worked on the piece of pottery. She used a knife and sandpaper to scrape and smooth the vase. Finally, she rubbed it with a soft sponge.
“That’s a lot of work!” said Malia.
Mrs. Jordan smiled. “Yes, and this is just the beginning. After the vase has gone through one firing, a glaze will be applied. Then it will be put into the kiln again.” She held up the vase. “I brought this today because in our lesson, the Bible compares God to a potter and the nation of Israel to clay. We can apply that illustration to our lives as well.”
Malia raised her hand. “You did a lot of scraping on that vase, and it has to go in the hot kiln. Do Christians have to go through stuff like that too?”
Mrs. Jordan nodded. “Difficult circumstances—times of sickness or sorrow or disappointment—can be compared to the scraping and smoothing, and to the firing in the hot kiln too.”
“That doesn’t sound very fun,” one of the girls protested.
“I know, and I’m glad the Christian life is not all hardship,” Mrs. Jordan said. “But everyone, including Christians, faces problems and difficulties. When they come, we need to be willing to learn from them. God often uses hardships to help us get rid of sinful habits and attitudes and learn to depend on Him. He has a purpose for allowing hard things.” Mrs. Jordan smiled as she held up the vase again. “I’m new at this craft, but even so, this vase will look much better when it’s finished. But God is the Master Potter. He knows just what we need. He won’t scrape or polish any more than necessary, and when He’s finished, the results will be beautiful.” Ruth I. Jay
How about you?
Are you willing to let God teach you as He molds you? Will you trust Him through all the experiences He allows in your life? In both good times and in difficult ones, remember that God is the Master Potter. He is working in your life because He cares for you. Trust Him to help you through hard times and to make you more like Him.
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