Daily Devotional for May 2, 2021
The Polishing Process

“I’m tired of trying to be nice to Jordan, Dad,” said Josiah. “He’s always bugging me. Today in Sunday school, he kept pestering me during the lesson. Why can’t he grow up?”
Just then, Josiah’s younger brother dashed into the room. “Dad! Can we go look at my rocks now?” asked Colton. “It’s been a whole week since I put them in my rock tumbler!”
“It takes way longer than that to polish stones,” Josiah reminded Colton. “If you take them out now, they won’t look much different from when you put them in.”
“That’s right,” said Dad. “We’ll change the grinding agent pretty soon, but the rocks have to tumble for several weeks before they’re smooth and shiny.”
“Okay,” said Colton. “I’ll leave ’em alone.”
As Colton left the room, Dad turned to Josiah. “I guess Jordan isn’t polished yet either.”
Josiah cocked his head. “What do you mean by that?”
“It takes a lot of polishing to make a person like Jesus, and that’s a process all Christians are going through—including you and me,” Dad explained. “Just like the grinding agent is polishing those rough stones to make them shiny, the Holy Spirit is polishing each one of us so our lives can shine with the love of Jesus and reflect it to others. And just like rocks come in various shapes and have different areas they need smoothed away, we each have our own areas we struggle with. It sounds like Jordan struggles with respecting others when it’s time to listen in class.” Dad looked at Josiah. “What do you struggle with?”
Josiah sighed. “Patience, I guess. I get annoyed at people easily.”
Dad nodded. “I know it can be hard sometimes, but when you remember that Jesus is always loving and patient with you, it can help you be patient with others. Be patient with Jordan the next time he bothers you during class, and ask him politely to stop. If it continues to happen, you could let one of the teachers know so they can help him settle down.”
“Okay,” Josiah said. “I could also tell him more about the Bible stories we’re learning about before class. Then maybe he’ll want to listen too!” (Linda R. Stai)
How about you?
Do you get impatient with other Christians when they do things you don’t like? Remember, the polishing process isn’t finished—for you or anyone else—and you have rough spots of your own that need smoothing. We all have areas we struggle with, but God promises to finish the good work He began when Jesus saved us from sin. Be patient with others as you go through the polishing process together.
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