Daily Devotional for January 16, 2023
The Picture Puzzle

“I’ll help with that,” Everett said when his sisters got out a puzzle. “That’s a cool picture.” He pointed to the cover, which showed three sailboats out at sea.
“There sure are a lot of different shapes and colors in this puzzle,” Grace observed as she tipped the box over and the pieces tumbled onto the table. She picked up a piece. “I like the ones with the pretty, sunshiny yellow color.”
Natasha nodded. “I like the blues and greens too. I want to work with them. But not the other pieces—they’re not as bright and colorful.”
“But if all the pieces were blue and green and yellow, we couldn’t make a picture like the one on the box,” Everett reminded her. “All the puzzle pieces are important.”
“Just like people,” Mom said from where she was working on her laptop nearby. The kids looked at her curiously, and Mom smiled. “Puzzle pieces come in different shapes and colors, but we need them all to put the whole picture together,” said Mom. “People are different too. God created us to have different sizes, shapes, and colors, and He also gave us different personalities and abilities. But if we know Jesus, we’re all part of His family. We look different and have different abilities, but we’re all needed.”
“Even kids are needed, right?” asked Grace.
“Of course!” said Mom. “Right now, you need to be a student in school.”
“Yeah, because everyone can’t be the same thing!” said Everett. “Imagine if everybody was a teacher—who would there be to teach?”
Natasha laughed. “Or if everybody was a preacher, who would there be to listen?”
“And who would grow the food for us to eat?” asked Everett.
“Food! Of course you’d think about that!” teased Grace.
“God made us all to be different so that together we can create a picture of what He’s like and show the world His love,” Mom said. “No matter what He has for you to do now or when you’re older, you are needed!”
-Tanya Ferdinandusz
How about you?
Do you ever wish you were like someone else? Maybe you wish you looked like them or that you could do things they can do. But God didn’t create you to be them—He created you to be you! He made you the way you are, and like every Christian, you are an important piece of the puzzle. You are needed to help grow God’s kingdom and show His love to others. Trust Him to help you do your part so you can help show a picture of Jesus to the world, just the way you are.
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