Daily Devotional for July 10, 2019
The Painted Bench (Part 2)
Grandma had just finished putting cookies in the oven when Evan came into the kitchen. “I was just about to go outside and cut some roses,” Grandma said. “Want to join me?” Evan nodded and followed her outside.
After a few snips, Grandma broke the silence. “What’s on your mind?”
Evan was quiet a moment before answering. “Lately, Gabby has been giving me a hard time. But a few minutes ago, she apologized for everything.” He sighed. “I know it’s wrong, but I don’t really want to forgive her.”
“Why is that?” asked Grandma.
“She broke my favorite action figure!” Evan explained. “I saved up for months for that!”
Grandma didn’t reply as she gathered up the roses. Evan sighed in frustration and sat down on a nearby bench. Then he jumped back up in surprise.
“Ahh! The paint is still wet!” he exclaimed.
Grandma tried to hide a chuckle. “Grandpa must have finished painting that today. You can see where you sat on it how worn the bench was underneath.”
“Yeah,” said Evan. “I wish I could have seen it was still wet though.”
“Well, I think it serves as a good illustration for your problem,” said Grandma. “The bench looks new, right? But we still need to wait for the paint to dry before we can fully enjoy it. Forgiveness is kind of like that. When we forgive, it’s like we’re putting a new coat of paint on a hurt relationship. We’re starting over again with that person. But that doesn’t mean everything will be perfect right away. It’ll still take time before you can fully trust Gabby again.”
“And that’s okay?” asked Evan.
“Of course,” said Grandma. “Forgiveness can sometimes be a difficult process, but it always starts with remembering that Jesus has forgiven you for all your sins and wants you to forgive others. He’ll give you the strength to forgive Gabby.”
“Okay, Grandma,” said Evan. “I’m going to go in and change my pants, and then I’ll ask Gabby if she wants to help me glue my action figure back together.” Gabriella Hsu
How about you?
Is it hard for you to forgive someone who’s hurt you? Forgiving can be difficult sometimes, and God understands that it can take time. Not only does He understand, He promises to be with us and give us strength to forgive others the way He’s forgiven us. When someone wrongs you, remember how much wrong Jesus has forgiven you for and trust Him to help you forgive others, no matter what they’ve done.
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