Daily Devotional for July 17, 2020
The Only Way In

Devon frowned at his friend Amir. “You really believe there’s only one way to heaven?” he asked. “My mom says there are lots of people following different ways to get there. She says anybody who does what they sincerely believe is right will go to heaven. Like…some people practice Buddhism. If they’re sincere and try to make themselves better people, God will let them into heaven.”
Amir shook his head. “They might be sincere, but they’re wrong. The Bible says we have to trust in Jesus to be saved. He’s the only door to eternal life. He said so Himself.”
Devon shrugged. “Will you go over to school with me?” he asked, changing the subject. “I left my trumpet there, and I need it so I can practice.”
“I doubt we can get in,” said Amir. “The whole school will be locked by now.” “I’m sure some doors will be open,” replied Devon. “You coming?”
“Okay,” Amir agreed, so they headed for the school. The boys first tried the main
entrance to the building, but it was locked. Then they tried other doors, but all of them were locked.
“Guess you were right,” said Devon. “We might as well give up.”
As they turned to leave, a janitor came out of the school. “Mr. Otis!” Devon exclaimed. “Can we get into school for a minute?” After explaining what he needed, Devon was allowed to get his trumpet.
“You really thought some of the doors at school would be open, didn’t you?” Amir asked as they headed home.
“Yeah, I did,” Devon answered. “Why else would I have gone back to school?”
“So, you sincerely thought you could get in by yourself, but you were wrong. The janitor was the only way for you to get into school. Does that remind you of anything?”
“Oh…you’re saying there’s only one way to get into heaven, just like there was only one way to get into school—that being sincere doesn’t help if you’re going the wrong way.” Devon paused. “I get your point. I guess I’ll have to think about it.” • Raelene E. Phillips
How about you?
Do you think you can get to heaven by being good? Do you believe anyone who sincerely does their best will be there? No matter how sincere you are, your best is not good enough. Jesus says He is the door to heaven—not a door, but the door. The only way to be saved and have eternal life is through Him. Trust in Him today. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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