Daily Devotional for February 28, 2017
The Only Ticket

Seeing the gigantic merry-go-round, Faith and Joy squealed in excitement and ran ahead of Mom and Dad to the entrance. They stood next to the height chart. They were both tall enough.
“Whoo-hoo!” Faith clapped her hands in excitement.
Just then, the merry-go-round came to a stop and the riders got off. Faith and Joy were about to get aboard when someone’s arm blocked their way and a voice said, “Hang on, kids. Not so fast.” It was the ride operator.
Faith and Joy gave each other a puzzled look when the operator let other kids go past them and get on the merry-go-round. “Why can’t we ride?” asked Joy. “We’re tall enough!”
Just then, Mom and Dad walked over. “Finally caught up with you!” Mom said.
“Mom,” Faith said, “he wouldn’t let us on. Why?”
Dad stuck his hand into his pocket and pulled out four small pieces of paper. “Now you’ll be able to. These are the tickets you need.”
Faith and Joy each grabbed one and brought it to the ride operator. He opened the gate and let them in. They each picked a horse to ride on, bouncing up and down on them excitedly. Mom and Dad gave their tickets to the operator and got on too.
“You know,” Mom said thoughtfully, “this reminds me of something Jesus said. There is no other way to heaven except through Him. Tell me, why couldn’t you ride the merry-go-round at first?”
“We didn’t have our tickets,” Joy replied. “We just thought we needed to be tall enough. We didn’t know we had to have tickets for it.”
“Right,” Dad said. “And no one is able to go to heaven unless they trust Jesus Christ as their Savior. Going to church, reading the Bible, and doing good deeds will not get you into heaven. You need to believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and accept His gift of salvation.”
Soon the merry-go-round started moving. “I’m glad that I have my ticket for the merry-go-round,” Joy said as their horses moved up and down, “but I’m even happier that I have Jesus and that one day He’ll take me to heaven!” – Goh Su En and Goh Shao En
How about you?
Do you think doing things that please God will get you into heaven? Well, that’s not true. There is only one way to heaven, and that is through Jesus. He died on the cross to pay for your sins, and the only way to get to heaven is by putting your trust in Him. If you haven’t done so, do it today! (See the ABCs of Salvation in the column to the right.)
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