Daily Devotional for June 13, 2023
The Old Doll

“I’m glad you came to help me today, Danielle,” Aunt Meg said as the two of them explored the cluttered attic. They laughed at their discoveries as they sorted through boxes, getting ready for a garage sale. Aunt Meg picked up a box. “I think my doll Rosie should be around here somewhere.”
“Is this it?” Danielle asked.
“It sure is—my little Rosie! I played with her all the time when I was your age.” Aunt Meg took the doll and settled its soft body into the crook of her arm like a real baby. Its round face smiled up at her.
“These dolls were very popular when I was a kid,” said Aunt Meg. “They came with birth certificates and adoption papers, and people were crazy about them. Rosie was a birthday gift from my parents.” She looked at the doll thoughtfully. “I still remember a message our pastor gave the Christmas before I got Rosie. People stood in line for hours and paid big money for these dolls. Pastor Burton told us they would eventually lose their appeal and popularity. He reminded us that material possessions can never bring fulfillment and lasting joy. Only Jesus can satisfy our hearts—and the gift He offers of eternal life with Him is free.” She handed the doll back to Danielle. “Pastor Burns was right. I don’t get excited about these dolls anymore—or about a lot of other things that were popular once. Look at all the stuff in this attic.” She smiled. “But I still get excited when I think about Jesus and all He’s done for me. He fills me with joy every day!”
Danielle looked at the doll. “Rosie is nice, but I can’t believe you got that excited over something like this.”
Aunt Meg’s eyes twinkled. “Oh, I think I know someone who has a pretty large doll collection of her own.”
Danielle giggled. “Yeah, I guess I did always want to have whatever dolls were popular with my friends when I was younger. Most of them aren’t so popular anymore though. Maybe I’ll sell some of them at our garage sale.”
“Popular items change continually,” said Aunt Meg. “But Jesus is always the same. He’s a gift we can always get excited about!”
-A. J. Schut
How about you?
Do you have things that have lost their appeal? Are there new things that are popular now you wish you could get? Material things only satisfy for a brief time. You soon grow tired of them, or they become outdated. But the gift of eternal life Jesus offers us is absolutely free, and He brings joy that lasts forever! Accept His gift today. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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