Daily Devotional for June 21, 2022
The Old Bracelet

“Cal, you’ve worn that WWJD bracelet for years and years, haven’t you?” Everly asked her older brother, eyeing his bracelet with distaste.
“I got it the first year I went to camp,” Cal replied. “It used to be blue with ‘WWJD’ spelled out in white letters. They told us that whenever we saw those letters we should ask ourselves, ‘What would Jesus do?’”
“Well, if Jesus had that bracelet, I think He’d take it off,” Everly said. “You know the whole WWJD trend is pretty much over now. Mom said when she was a kid they used to see those letters on all kinds of stuff. But you don’t see them much anymore—if ever.”
“I guess that’s true,” said Cal. “But wearing this has helped me. Sometimes just when I was getting ready to do something wrong, I’d see the bracelet and think, No, Jesus wouldn’t do that.”
“That’s good, but times change,” said Everly. “I think it’s time to get rid of that old thing.”
Cal twisted the bracelet around his wrist. “These letters have always been a good reminder to do the right thing. But…” He grinned at his sister as he pulled off the old, faded bracelet. “There! Does that make you feel better?”
“Yes. Only…” Everly hesitated. “If it helped you so much, maybe you should keep wearing it after all.”
Cal shook his head. “I really don’t need to wear it anymore.”
“Think so?” Everly laughed. “Well, if you start getting into trouble with it off, don’t blame me!”
Cal smiled. “I won’t, because I have something better to wear now—in fact, it’s something I’ve had ever since I first trusted in Jesus at camp all those years ago. The bracelet just helped me remember. When I trusted Jesus as my Savior, He made me a new person, and He gave me the Holy Spirit, who is making me more like Him. Pastor Tim talked about the Bible verse that says to ‘put on the new self,’ remember? He said that means living in a way that reflects who I am in Jesus. I don’t need a bracelet to do what’s right because I have God’s Spirit living inside of me.”
Everly grinned. “I agree. The new self is much better than the old bracelet!”
-Dalan Decker
How about you?
Have you ever seen the letters WWJD printed on something? Those letters stand for “What would Jesus do?” It used to be trendy to have them on bracelets and other items, but like all trends, that one has faded away. However, if you know Jesus, you don’t need a bracelet or anything else to help you act like Him because you have His Spirit inside you! Put on your new self and live in a way that reflects Him.
Today's Verse
Put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. (NIV) Ephesians 4:24 NKJV
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