Daily Devotional for June 2, 2021
The Mysterious Witness

The numbers on the watch glowed eerily in the darkness. Damien sighed as he got up and shoved the watch into his dresser drawer. Why did I steal it? he wondered. Damien had seen the watch while he and his mom were out shopping. He wanted it so much that he slipped it into his pocket. I can’t wear this, he thought, Mom and Dad will notice, and how would I explain it? I sure hope nobody saw me take it. Damien tossed and turned all night, and the next morning, he was worn out from exhaustion and guilt.
At lunchtime, Damien noticed several teachers talking quietly together, and one seemed to glance in his direction. In fact, it seemed like everybody looked at him suspiciously. Who saw me take it? he wondered.
That night, Damien heard footsteps in the hallway. “Who’s there?” he whispered hoarsely. “What do you want?”
Damien’s dad appeared in the doorway. “I just got up for a drink of water,” he said. “Is something wrong?”
“It’s in my top drawer,” Damien said, tears filling his eyes. “Go ahead and take it.”
Puzzled, Dad turned on the light and opened the drawer. He gave a low whistle as he held up the watch. “Judging from what you said just now, I’m assuming you didn’t get this honestly, did you?”
Damien poured out the whole story, ending with his impression that everybody seemed to know what he had done.
Dad nodded. “Someone did see you take that watch, and He’s been bothering you about it.”
“Who?” asked Damien.
“God saw you,” Dad replied. “When the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, He makes it clear to us that our actions do not fit with who we are as God’s children.”
“I…I need to take it back and admit I stole it, don’t I?” said Damien.
“Yes,” Dad said. “And what else do you think you should do?”
Damien thought a moment. “I need to confess it to Jesus.”
Dad nodded. “Jesus always forgives us when we confess our sin and helps us right our wrongs.”
So Damien bowed his head, asked for God’s forgiveness, and promised to take the watch back the next day and accept the consequences for stealing it. Then he slipped into a deep, peaceful sleep.
-Sherry L. Kuyt
How about you?
Is there a sin the Holy Spirit is convicting you about? Is the guilt over what you did making it difficult to think of anything else? Even if no one else knows what you did, God does. You can’t hide your sin from Him. Confess your sin to Jesus and receive the perfect peace of His forgiveness. Then admit what you did to anyone else you wronged and make it right.
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